HMS GRANADO - full hull - POF kit by CAF in 1:48 - by Uwe

Many Many thanks to all your kind comments and all the like received

Before I finalize the top of the sheer rail I decided to install the anchor lining

Goodwins drawing for comparison

the four elements already "bolted" - I like to make such things like treenailing and bolting before I install the part - in this way (I think) I can be more accurate


fixed to the hull - close to the gunport


due to the different thicknesses of the wale and normal planking the thickness of the lining had to be adjusted



a little bit sanding of the surface and scratching the rests of glue and it will be finished

Many Thanks for the interest in my log .... to be continued .....
Powoli dokładnie prace się posuwają się do przodu, właśnie oto chodzi w naszej pracy . Pozdrawiam Mirek

The work is slowly progressing, and this is what our work is all about. Regards, Mirek
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Here we go
unfortunately I was the last days not anymore in my workshop, so no real progress, but I have an "old" photo which I made some days ago

View attachment 395212

you can see, that the middle part of the top rail is still roughly cut and needs a final sanding as well as the scratching .....
Ciao Uwek.

Come ho scritto a Johan, non riesco a vedere gli safi o i deck aperti. Il mio istinto sarebbe di chiuderli subito.
Questo tipo di modellismo ha un grado di accuratezza che non avrò mai. Vi ammiro molto.
Il tuo lavoro è particolarmente preciso, pulito e accurato.
Anche se non sono un esperto, voglio darti il mio parere: E' bellissimo, direi eccezionale.

Hi Uwek.

As I wrote to Johan, I can't see the safi or open decks. My instinct would be to close them immediately.

This type of modeling has a degree of accuracy that I will never have.
I admire you very much.

Your work is particularly precise, clean and accurate.
Even though I'm not an expert, I want to give you my opinion: It's beautiful, I'd say exceptional.
Many Thanks to @pianoforte , @Tobias , @Mirek and @AlessandroROMA for your kind comments and replies and also to all others giving a like or even taking a look into my building log.

After some weeks not working on my model (to much to do outside of the workshop) I can today show you some small progress on the time-consuming sheer rail

Approximately one month ago I showed already the first working steps of the scratch cut of the top - but before I can adjust it to the correct length and install these parts the curved element has to be prepared - at the end I hope, that it will fit


I decided to make the top also in black in order to have a contrast



only for test reasons I "blackened" also the wales - the copper-bolts are now much more visible



I think I like it



and also some views from the inside




Many Thanks for your interest .... to be continued ....
Many Thanks to @pianoforte , @Tobias , @Mirek and @AlessandroROMA for your kind comments and replies and also to all others giving a like or even taking a look into my building log.

After some weeks not working on my model (to much to do outside of the workshop) I can today show you some small progress on the time-consuming sheer rail

Approximately one month ago I showed already the first working steps of the scratch cut of the top - but before I can adjust it to the correct length and install these parts the curved element has to be prepared - at the end I hope, that it will fit

View attachment 400969

I decided to make the top also in black in order to have a contrast

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only for test reasons I "blackened" also the wales - the copper-bolts are now much more visible

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I think I like it

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and also some views from the inside

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Many Thanks for your interest .... to be continued ....
Absolutely fantastic. Beautiful workmanship. l am really looking forward to starting this project myself
Many Thanks to @pianoforte , @Tobias , @Mirek and @AlessandroROMA for your kind comments and replies and also to all others giving a like or even taking a look into my building log.

After some weeks not working on my model (to much to do outside of the workshop) I can today show you some small progress on the time-consuming sheer rail

Approximately one month ago I showed already the first working steps of the scratch cut of the top - but before I can adjust it to the correct length and install these parts the curved element has to be prepared - at the end I hope, that it will fit

View attachment 400969

I decided to make the top also in black in order to have a contrast

View attachment 400970

View attachment 400971

only for test reasons I "blackened" also the wales - the copper-bolts are now much more visible

View attachment 400972

View attachment 400973

I think I like it

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View attachment 400975

and also some views from the inside

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View attachment 400978

Many Thanks for your interest .... to be continued ....
Ciao Uwek, ti ribadisco i miei complimenti per il tuo modo di fare modellismo navale. L'interesse è meritato.
Se posso approfitto anche un pò delle tue conoscenze, non posso abusare sempre del gentilissimo Johan, ahahahahahah.
Mi potresti dire come chiamate in inglese la "pazienza", cioè quella struttura che ho cerchiato di rosso e sulla quale sono inserite le bigotte.
Nel mio glossario (non so quanto affidabile) non sono menzionate.

Hi Uwek, I reiterate my compliments for your way of doing naval modelling. The interest is deserved.
If I can I'll also take advantage of your knowledge a little, I can't always abuse the very kind Johan, ahahahahahah.
Could you tell me what you call "patience" in English, that is, that structure that I have circled in red and on which the bigots are inserted.In my glossary (I don't know how reliable) they are not mentioned.

Could you tell me what you call "patience" in English, that is, that structure that I have circled in red and on which the bigots are inserted.In my glossary (I don't know how reliable) they are not mentioned.
These are the bitts at the main mast

A frame composed of two upright pieces of timber, called the pins, and a cross piece fastened horizontally on the top of them: they are used to belay cables and ropes to. BOWLINE and BRACE BITTS are situated near the masts; the FORE-JEER and TOPSAIL-SHEET bitts are situated on the forecastle and round the fore-mast; the MAIN-JEER and TOPSAIL-SEET-BITTS, tenon into the fore-mast-beam of the quarter-deck; the RIDING-BITTS are the largest bitts in a ship, and those to which the cable is bitted when the vessel rides at anchor.

text taken from Bruzelius:

These are the bitts at the main mast

A frame composed of two upright pieces of timber, called the pins, and a cross piece fastened horizontally on the top of them: they are used to belay cables and ropes to. BOWLINE and BRACE BITTS are situated near the masts; the FORE-JEER and TOPSAIL-SHEET bitts are situated on the forecastle and round the fore-mast; the MAIN-JEER and TOPSAIL-SEET-BITTS, tenon into the fore-mast-beam of the quarter-deck; the RIDING-BITTS are the largest bitts in a ship, and those to which the cable is bitted when the vessel rides at anchor.

text taken from Bruzelius:

Grazie per la risposta Uwek.
Pensa, in italiano la parola che si avvicina più al termine bitt è la bitta che però è un'altra cosa per noi.
La bitta è questa in foto.

Non so se è la stessa cosa per voi ma in italia i termini marinareschi sono nomi inusuali, strani per la maggior parte della gente e non hanno alcuna attinenza con le parole comuni. hanno un'etimologia tutta loro.

Thanks for the reply Uwek.
Think about it, in Italian the word that comes closest to the term bitt is "bitta" which however is something else for us.

The "bitta" is this one in the photo.

I don't know if it's the same thing for you but in Italy seafaring terms are unusual names, strange to most people and have no connection with common words.
They have an etymology all their own.

Senza titolo.jpg

Grazie per la risposta Uwek.
Pensa, in italiano la parola che si avvicina più al termine bitt è la bitta che però è un'altra cosa per noi.
La bitta è questa in foto.

Non so se è la stessa cosa per voi ma in italia i termini marinareschi sono nomi inusuali, strani per la maggior parte della gente e non hanno alcuna attinenza con le parole comuni. hanno un'etimologia tutta loro.

Thanks for the reply Uwek.
Think about it, in Italian the word that comes closest to the term bitt is "bitta" which however is something else for us.

The "bitta" is this one in the photo.

I don't know if it's the same thing for you but in Italy seafaring terms are unusual names, strange to most people and have no connection with common words.
They have an etymology all their own.

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What you show are also Bitts or Bollards - but in earlier times they used the same term for the wooden ones
