HMS Ontario 1780 scale 1:32 POB full version

I agree with Uwe, the use of the expanding foam could easily distort or even break the bulkhead structure. But getting another step ahead it might be possible to make pre-fabricated blocks from it outside the bulkhead structure and fitting and glueing these in-between the bulkheads afterwards - just an idea.
it might be possible to make pre-fabricated blocks from it outside the bulkhead structure and fitting and glueing these in-between the bulkheads afterwards - just an idea.

Exactly, just what I did with my new ship. Easier yet if the distance between the bulkheads is the same.

I have been using polyurethane foam many years ago for a radio controlled shipmodel of a modern freighter. This was a scratch build with a frame and between the frames filled with polyurethane, cutted and sanded down to the frames and then covered with glass fiber and polyester. But polyurethane will even after the expansion still minimaly expand and you will never get a straight hull.
Hi Zoltan,
The framing is coming along nicely, great photos also.
The stern plate not glued on the framing yet,I am still making some adjustments to make sure the measurments both sides are correct.
Hello Zoltan

Just catching up on your HMS Ontario build, golly you sure surprise me in just how fast that you and your little fellows are moving along. Here it looks like you are almost ready to start planking the hull, reinforced with foam and I am still cutting out framing segments for my Oliver Cromwell. Very nice work indeed. Got a question for you did you saw out your stern plate or did you saw it out or have it cut out on a laser, it looks so good, ENJOY.

Regards Lawrence
Hello Lawrence,thanks for visiting my build log,I have cut out the stern plate by hand after transfered the lines from the by carboncopy on the plywood as I did the bulkheads too,of cours I had to do some sanding.I am still waiting with the planking,I will install first the gunports and using a mock up gun carriage to check the deck elevetion relation with the gunports.
Next I am working on the frames above the lower deck ,I should have done this before I installed everything but its done already I have no choice ,just will take a little bit longer.I have to get the measurements shown on the image below,so lots of sanding,maybe shimming and measuring.

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Hi Zoly,

Instead of carbon paper and if you have a laser printer you can just print it out on your laser printer and iron it on to the wood. You get an exact copy mirror image on the wood.