HMS Ontario 1780 scale 1:32 POB full version

Step by Step - we have a speech in Germany: "Mühsam ernährt sich das Eichhörnchen" - something like "Laboriously the squirrel lives"
These parts of a ship need time - but every hour is worth -> Looking very good Thumbsup
Hi Matus, Here is what I found in your query re: difference between sanding and scraping. Basically Scraping, is what they did way before there was sandpaper. Scraping yields a different texture surface that feels more like wood, due to the fact that it is shearing the wood fibers rather than grinding them away what sandpaper does.

Sorry Zoly for hijacking your thread
Can you post some pictures then? I would like to see exactly what scraping will do with the deck and what is the difference between sanding and scraping.

Scraping gives the wood surface a clean, almost polished look and feel. It is actually better than sanding in many circumstances. personally, I use a sharp blade for that.