Thanks for the comment - Are your upper mast sections glued in or just fitted? Easier to put the loop for a shroud over the mast with out the next section in place.
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I spent a lot of time studying the rigging sheets and it turned out to be not as hard as I figured it would. One place that slowed me down was the yard bracing on sheet 12 of the plans. (see photo)
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I also used Swiss pear blocks from Model expo. Item L on the plans are 3mm single sheave blocks. Kind of small for me so I went with 3.5mm, not a big different but a little easier to work with. The ones from the kit were not the best. Holes not centered etc. The kit tan thread was "fuzzy" and even beeswax didn't help much. Will change out the thread to another manufacture next time also. Nylon is much better. Not as authentic but I like it better. Afraid I'm not a stickler on historical accuracy.
Feel free to ask anything as you work your way through sheet 10, 11 and 12. Good luck. Charlie