OK, guys, for the next several months this blog will be quiet: the Old Master will fly back to Moscow and have some rest.
During the last three months he has finished the REAL (top left on the photo) and made quite a progress with the Royal Caroline.
Now, I will have time do deal with the knowledge about the RC ship: I will process the manuals, docs, and get ready for the next round. The Chinese manuals, drawings and the kit were quite challenging for me.
I might build something myself, but it will be very, very slow, as my business goes up and it will be a tough time.
Thank you all very much for support!
It was the first time in my life when we assembled a ship in such a supporting company, and it was very, very enjoyable!
I will also give some thoughts to the business of the Open Ship Building Platform, as I believe that this market segment can leverage your support. I just need to build a nice supportive environment.