HMS Royal Caroline kit ZHL 1/30

G'day Brian
A double welcome back,......... to Australia and to SOS.
Hoped that your time in Europe has recharged your batteries....... I for one, has missed your build log and your comments to others.
A bigger shipyard in your new place...... ahhhhhh, very nice indeed.

Sorry Maarten for high jacking your log.
Havagooday to all.
The two alley ways from the great cabin to the kings cabin are finished. As I continued the parquet floor from the kings cabin I also decided to use the same wall paper. First in the lower part I created a wooden paneling.
On the opposite wall the same paneling with wall paper on top.
After finalizing the wall it is time to fit the windows. Same as for the stern I am using very thin glass from microscope cover glass which I cut to fit with my proxxon diamont cutting disc.

On the sb side the same procedure.

The stairs to the deck are fitted.
Looking from the alley way into the kings cabin.
And this is the overview before the next separation wall to the great cabin is placed. Looking through the kings bed.
And if the king lays down in bed he has this view. The furniture will follow in a later stage.

The next step is the great cabin. I am now working on the wall paneling, for this I am making columns from swiss pear on top of a basswood back to create a nice contrast.
On the floor will be a genuine parquet floor which I will create with wood veneer strips which are normally used by furniture craftsmen.
These strips are in different sizes from 3 to 13 mm wide. But thats for the next time.
Looks so great! Contact you see everything when the ship is finnished? Have drawings from the wilhelm withuis furniture in it but you cant see anything of it when the ship is finnished. So why should in make it.
G'day Maarten
You done it again mate!
You have shown us all how great you are doing this build. It's going to be extremely hard to even get close to your standard!
Love the parquet floor pattern you will be using.
Keep up your high standards
Looks so great! Contact you see everything when the ship is finnished? Have drawings from the wilhelm withuis furniture in it but you cant see anything of it when the ship is finnished. So why should in make it.
Hi Patrick,

The deck will be build in admirality style, this means beams from Swiss Pear with planks from bass wood. The planks will be partly left open enabling you to look inside.
As promised I am working on the main cabin bulkhead. Sorry again I am not following the kit but building my own ideas. As seen in the previous post I have created two pillars, these will come back in the sides and front also.
The pillars are filed and grinded in pear.
The lower part of the bulkhead I will use the planks as provided in the kit.
20180623_084609.jpgthe planks above the lower parts are the deck planks from the kit.
The top is again swiss pear which I will carve with two round edges. For this I am using a razor blade which I grind with a grinding disc followed by a cutting disc in the mirror shape needed for the carving.
This is the result after scratching one side of the plank.
After doing both and fixing it in place this is the result. In the mean time I have also added the two etsched monograms of george.
Then time for beewax and polishing. In the open space a painting will be fitted. This is a 17th century painting of the voyage to Chatham were the Dutch fleet destroyed the English fleet which was layed up in port. One of the most painfull defeats suffered by the British navy. Oepss sorry I thought this is a nice twist for me as a Dutchman to put it in the main cabin.:-).
The painting is again printed on my color laser printer and finished with clear varnish.

And finally dry fitting the bulkhead.
Next time continue on the great cabin.
The finish of the wall is great. Nice gimmick with the painting, historical not correct (in this vessel), but a great idea. The photo edged insignias on the doors are very good looking. Great work.
And we can see, that working on the bulkhead before installing inside the ship is making life much easier, or?
G'day Maarten
I love the twist about that painting. It's like you are putting your own signature with this build.
It would be the same as putting the Eureka Stockade flag on my build. If there is only a way I would do it, but that was in 1850 or so. Wrong time. Dam it!
Keep up your great work mate.
The finish of the wall is great. Nice gimmick with the painting, historical not correct (in this vessel), but a great idea. The photo edged insignias on the doors are very good looking. Great work.
And we can see, that working on the bulkhead before installing inside the ship is making life much easier, or?
Yes doing the bulkheads before fitting them is giving you far better acces, ofcourse this is not always possible. The battle at Chatham was in 1667, RC is from 1749 so they could have an old painting, offcourse it wouldn't be the case but the time frame is possible. On the PS and SB sides I think I will add the portraits of the king and queen .
G'day Maarten
I love the twist about that painting. It's like you are putting your own signature with this build.
It would be the same as putting the Eureka Stockade flag on my build. If there is only a way I would do it, but that was in 1850 or so. Wrong time. Dam it!
Keep up your great work mate.
Most probably in the 1750 s Australia was still a British prison? Except for some Dutchman offcourse who crashed there ships on the western shores.:-).
Most probably in the 1750 s Australia was still a British prison? Except for some Dutchman offcourse who crashed there ships on the western shores.:).
I think his name was Dirk Hartog or a name like that by memory. He left a pewter plate on the WA shore to say he was there. That was taught to me when I was 10 years old at school.