And I found an additional hour to make the scepter.
First I measured the proper size from a picture and in 1:30 scale it is 26 mm x 1,65 mm.
For this I saw a piece of boxwood along its grain at 1,7 x 1,7 mm.

This I pulled through a drawplate to round 1,7 mm.
This piece I put in my proxxon drill and created a mini woodlathe.

With the use of files I shaped the scepter, finally cut a crown in the top with a cutting disc and drilled a hole in the top where the gemstone is located.
Compared to the kit supplied scepter this is the result.

After waxing I mounted in her hand clamped by her hand but secured witgh a tiny drop of ca.

Yes caroline is fully carved and finished.
Now two putty need to be carved helding the crown above het head. But before that the SB side should be finished follow by the bow section.