...talk about dedication....
Hi Kurt,Had a good day since I got an oxygen concentrator machine with a 30' hose. Rough morning with weakness and the shakes, but a good meal fix that. Feeling on the road to recovery. Keeping the pneumonia under control. Did some more reading in McKay's book on SotS today. Saw more of his elaborations that I can't explain. He has an officers companionway ladder with booby hatch enclosure directly behind a basic companionway and they both lead down to the same deck below. Total waste of space and useless addition by all appearances. The booby hatch does not appear to be in any historical reference. Any thoughts?
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So good to hear from you again, Nigel! I just learned that the oxygen concentration machine I am using is available for sale for only $650 online, found because I googled it. Miraculous invention! Had I known this a scant few days ago, I would have bought on outright and started using it to get my strength back much sooner, and the pneunomia that developed, light as it is, may have been avoided. It will be many weeks before the lungs recover capacity fully, and being as I am only 56 years old, they may recover fully. Taste and smell have retuned about 90%. I never suffered pneumonia to the point where it caused chest pain, which is a very serious and immediate threat to life, so I am grateful. Please look into us here at SoS from time to time. I missed your help and your contribution to my ship project.Hi Kurt
Firstly,I am very sorry to hear of your health issues.I went through Covid 12 months ago and looking back am surprised how ill I became within just a few days.At the time next to nothing was known about the virus.I was simply told if my breathing got worse to call an ambulance as I would need ventilation.At this point I was out of breath after a couple of steps and had constant chest pain, both my lungs ached all over and were capable of inflating properly.Very different to the localised sharp pain I felt when I had single Pneumonia three years prior.
What I would say to you though,I was also shocked at how I reached such a point then suddenly things started to clear and was able to do simple daily tasks.12 months on, the only legacy from Covid is I still haven't regained my sense of smell properly and also a bit of reevaluation of what is important in my life.That is why I spend little time online at the moment and I have completely withdrawn from using Facebook unless I need to message someone.I do hope to restart contributing to the forum at some point, but for the minute I just need a break.
In answer to your question,I agree with Maarten,this detail is best forgot and IMHO a figment of McKay's imagination.
Take care and get well soon
Oh yeah it's hideous! But it will stay that way for a bit while I contemplate the next step. Perhaps lighting installation, stern gallery construction, whatever.Glad to see you feeling up to ship modelling work. BTW - it looks hideous - like a whale sitting on the beach for three weeks - don't forget to apply planking....
Yes, I am on the mend. Lungs can breathe deeply once again, though there is some congestion down low. I am off the oxygen, which is fantastic! Extreme boredom has driven me to start the foundation work on the hull, trying to get things straight and project the build ahead ion my mind despite the fact that DeAgostini provides step by step instructions, but no sheets of overall plans, which are most useful in planning the work long term. I am basically scratch building at this point. Luckily fellow members like Uwe and Nigel have paved the way with several old photos to guide my steps, and all their changes are absolutely beautiful.Hello Kurt,
From your last posts I deduce you are getting better.
Use a lot of protection when sanding, and that can affect your already weakened respiratory system
Please take care.
I love the fact that you are trying to make your life as normal as possible, including the ship you are building