I'm in the process of fitting the main wale, which is being constructed using 'home milled' anchor stock out of 2mm x 7 x 100 Swiss pear planks, made to Magowan & Mckay's plan dimensions. Having them 2mm gives a bit more 'meat' for final sanding, at the same time I cleaning up the lower gunports to give a final fit to the lids, to which I'm gluing the pieces of wale removed, as per prototype (provided my info is correct)

. I've never yet found the need to use a spacer for shroud deadeyes, I lash them in situ, loose enough to be infinitely adjustable to level up before finally tightening. I bought a set of sails from ZHL (£47) which look fine, although one or two are a bit shorter (top to bottom) than the dimensions given in the two books, but slight height adjustment of the yards could compensate. My intension is to use the square sails, not the stay sails, in any case I propose to have the course sail partially furled. If this fails, then I could try making my own on my new, unused, sewing machine

I tested some black ebony wood dye on the pear - it gives a slight brown tint similar to a dark burnt umber, but also gives a good undercoat for blck/dark grey paint.
Some photos of the milling jig & the 'yellow' I've decided on, yellow ochre & white, which I like as a 'happy'medium', 50/50 yellow & white, as records show, is too creamy to me, although I've seen some paintings of the time showing a cream colour, similar to 'Montanes'. I am considering having the lower ports closed?
The jig is made from a piece of copper faced circuit board, brass strip filed to profile & soldered to brass angle. One side soldered to base, the other with two screws for adjustment/clamping. The support blocks are machined to the appropriate angles. If I were to make it again, I would use a wider base & angle to give more adjustment, as it is, 14 or 15 2mm planks fit at a time. The finished plank is 3.5 - 4.0mm at the ends x 6.0 at the widest. A bit of final sanding is required to some for a tight fit.