Awsome work. The dedicated Victory site was at However this is no longer available as it was closed by the Author in the last 12 months due to external hacking. It will unfortunately never come back.
There are some excellent build logs around on web forums that do not need login privileges. The best advise is to look at these plus the books by Nepean Longridge( 1.48 Model log) , Alan Mcgowan( Restoration ), John McKay( Anatomy series) & Keith Julier ( New Period Ship Handbook). There maybe other resources. but I personally consider these the definitive set.
All the kits have issues, especially the older European ones. You are doing an incredible job that anyone would be proud of and your log shows it.
There are some excellent build logs around on web forums that do not need login privileges. The best advise is to look at these plus the books by Nepean Longridge( 1.48 Model log) , Alan Mcgowan( Restoration ), John McKay( Anatomy series) & Keith Julier ( New Period Ship Handbook). There maybe other resources. but I personally consider these the definitive set.
All the kits have issues, especially the older European ones. You are doing an incredible job that anyone would be proud of and your log shows it.