Kingfisher 1770 1:48 POF

Hello Paul, you are hardly on holiday for 3 weeks and you already have to catch up on 10 pages. As I read, there were one or two problems that you managed very well. Your inside looks fantastic as does the rest of it. I am really thrilled with the absolutely accurate work. Ps: I personally really like the light holly, a great contrast that sets it off well.
Oh, and did you see I now have a mill and actually used it!?! All your fault Tobias (and Jimsky too, I suppose...and Nigel, and Kortes, and Oleg, and Johann, and Uwe, and Maarten, and Stephan, and Oliver, and Ondras, and...well, you get the point).
Oh, and did you see I now have a mill and actually used it!?! All your fault Tobias (and Jimsky too, I suppose...and Nigel, and Kortes, and Oleg, and Johann, and Uwe, and Maarten, and Stephan, and Oliver, and Ondras, and...well, you get the point).
Yes, I read that and also the edge you milled. I also noticed the difference in how the limberboards are used on English ships. In French ships, the limberboard is offset and they have different lengths. I also noticed the holes for removing the limberboards on some English ships. I asked G.Delacroix once if this was not the case on French ships, and his answer was: "There is the possibility of adding holes or eyelets. At the moment I am at the point of installing these boards on Le Rochefort and I am still not sure which method I will use, I am leaning towards the ring eyelets.
Yes, I read that and also the edge you milled. I also noticed the difference in how the limberboards are used on English ships. In French ships, the limberboard is offset and they have different lengths. I also noticed the holes for removing the limberboards on some English ships. I asked G.Delacroix once if this was not the case on French ships, and his answer was: "There is the possibility of adding holes or eyelets. At the moment I am at the point of installing these boards on Le Rochefort and I am still not sure which method I will use, I am leaning towards the ring eyelets.
Antscherl offers two options for the holes...the way I did them, or on the very ends of the boards as half-moons (and when joined with the neighboring board the two half moons form a full circle). Rings would be a nice detail if appropriate.
I had it in my head that I had been posting progress reports, but it turns out I haven't. Herewith is the work I have been doing on the inside of the hull...

After completing the limber strakes and limber boards at the floor of the hull, I spent a day or so trying to figure out how to get the lower deck clamp in the right place (the deck clamp determines the height of the deck beams, so it is important to get it properly located).

I carefully measured the ship plans and cross-referenced several exceptional build logs of other swan class ships. I used a vertical height gauge to transfer my measurements onto the inside of the hull.

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The deck clamps are large, heavy timbers on the Kingfisher so I needed to spile the planks in order to get them to run smooth and flat...

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These specialty clamps are essential for this type of work...

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Those familiar with swan class ships now know I have chosen to not create the deck clamps with the standard 'top and butt' pattern. I just didn't think I could pull it off on my first POF build (though that pattern will be called for again on the exterior of the ship and perhaps I will give it a shot there - working on the outside of the hull versus the inside should create a more favorable learning environment).

The lower deck clamp is actually two strakes:

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And here is the overall look with the lower deck clamp in place:

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Next, I was ready to install the 'thickstuff' associated with the head of the first futtock. Unlike the deck clamp planks which have only a mild taper - the thickstuff planks have a rather substantial taper (and even a drop-plank):

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In the above images you can see that I have also begun installing footwalling (normal thickness planks) between the limber strakes and the thickstuff:

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I'm not sure I'm a fan of the whiter planking (American holly). On the one hand it provides some visual interest and a nice contrast with other elements of the open frame - but it is rather jolting to look at in isolation. I won't pull it out - but it might be toned down a bit with stain. Stay tuned...
Freak this is incredible… other comment!
  1. Are humans capable of comprehending the depths of existence and reality?
  2. If there are no boundaries to the universe, what would exist beyond them?
  3. How can you find truth more effectively: through science, mathematics, art, philosophy, or something else?
  4. Did humans discover math or did they create it?
  5. If you have to make the same simple piece over and over again and it still doesn't fit, are we still having fun?

Ugh. Ugh. Ugh.
Point 5, I would

But I see the problem you fight at. You're using a black cutting mat. Use a green one like me. Everything will work better on a green cutting mat. ROTF
Ha Ha
Do you know, that usually all these cutting mats have two sides - turn the mat and usually she will get green :eek:
The number 5, is more obvious and sounds familiar.
But I see the problem you fight at. You're using a black cutting mat. Use a green one like me. Everything will work better on a green cutting mat. ROTF

...then, in my case, I will never have a better way, both sides of my cutting mat are not green. ROTF Does the key for success is the green color? :p