Very good work on these ribbands - well curved - they are the "flow" of the hull form -> Great 

She's carrying stealth aircraft?Funny, I thought carries were supposed to have planes on deck!![]()
Good morning Paul. The ribbands are effective. I personally prefer no ribbands on the unplanked side of POF models however these pictures are changing that preference. As always wonderfully crafted. Enjoy your quest with the Admiral. Cheers GrantThank you, friends, for following along on my Kingfisher build!
I dedicated myself this week to installing ribbands on the side of the hull that will be left un-planked (well, mostly un-planked). Ribbands are temporary supports the ship builders used to keep the frames in position (?) as the hull planking was being completed (with the ribbands being removed along the way). Or maybe they were used to establish the planking bands???
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There would ordinarily be another ribband just below the sheer line but I'm going to add a plank or two at the top of the frames to support the cap rail (sheer rail?) so I'm going to leave that one off. Plus, that fifth ribband runs right through the middle of the quarter badge light and that just looks wonky to me.
The ribbands were nailed to the frames using round headed nails to facilitate later removal - those nails still need to be fabricated and installed.
But first my wife and I are off for the rest of the week in a quest to see the changing colors of the leaves. Lots of hardwood forests north of us so the viewing is typically excellent. Unfortunately, the weather forecast is, well, crappy. Wish us luck!
Wishing you Good Luck! Enjoy some times off.
As a former resident of New Hampshire enjoy your "Leaf peeping"
Wish you luck with the weather, these colours are at best with a lot of sunshine. Enjoy.
Ahh the fall colors, I do miss seeing that. Here in Houston one day the leaves are green then in late January overnight they turn brown and fall off just as new buds are coming on.
Makes me want to rush out and start a plank on frame model and abandon the BIsmarck lol
The ribbands give a nice view on the shape and flow of the hull, Paul. In combination with the frames a nice line pattern.
Regards, Peter
Good morning Paul. The ribbands are effective. I personally prefer no ribbands on the unplanked side of POF models however these pictures are changing that preference. As always wonderfully crafted. Enjoy your quest with the Admiral. Cheers Grant
Very good work on these ribbands - well curved - they are the "flow" of the hull form -> Great![]()
Super work Paul. Now, I would pay BIG money for a video of you fussing over the ribband alignment. Not enjoying your frustration at all, but playing it when I run into frustrating times would make me feel, well, not so alone.I found myself fussing with the alignment to an almost silly degree. They aren't perfect, but they do have a nice flow in the larger view.
are you on the island?This is as good as the West Coast of B.C. looks/View attachment 400021
nvm. I just noticed your location. sorry about thatare you on the island?
Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Tobias. Your perspective is always edifying and respectfully received on my side. With regard to the ribbands and harpins (the segment you highlighted), I am taking my guidance from Antscherl and Herbert (The Fully Framed Model Series - TFFM).Hi Paul,
you did a good job on the rib bands, I'm just not sure if the little pieces on the bow make a lot of sense and if they belong there. I'm similar to @GrantTyler , personally I wouldn't do them, but thank goodness everyone's taste is a bit different.
I hope you had a nice couple of days.
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Paul you convinced me, as I said I couldn't quite imagine it, I'm already quiet.Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Tobias. Your perspective is always edifying and respectfully received on my side. With regard to the ribbands and harpins (the segment you highlighted), I am taking my guidance from Antscherl and Herbert (The Fully Framed Model Series - TFFM).
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I haven’t study the who’s, where’s and why’s of the wales and planking of this type of ships. But what I see is very nice, Paul. A nice flow of the wales and first hull planks.This week I turned my attention to the main wale on the side of the ship that will be planked. There are three strakes in the main wale - a straight running upper strake and two rows of what is referred to as 'top and butt' pattern planking. Here is an image from TFFM that shows what I am talking about (note the darker gray band):
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After installing the straight upper row, I laid out the location of the butt joints and the top and butt pattern for the two lower rows:
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FYI: this forward portion of the wale is not correct. It should be 'thinned' as it approaches the rabbet. I have left it thicker for the time-being...(it does fit into the rabbet - it's just notched):
View attachment 401112
I then decided to cut all the odd-shaped planks at the same time in order to ensure consistency.
First, I laid out the cuts just to keep my head wrapped around what I was doing:
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And then I used a power tool for the second time in a month! This is a Byrnes table saw with an angle cutting accessory (only took me an hour to figure out how to use it) (Full disclosure: one hour for the table saw - one hour for the taper gauge.)
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As I have mentioned previously, I have an unhealthy (nearly crippling) fear of power tools that cut my fingers off...
Installing planks:
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First sanding (note: there is a portion of the lowest strake not yet installed at the stern - it has to be impossibly shaped - still figuring out how to make it):
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A closer look:
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Thanks for looking in!