Kingfisher 1770 1:48 POF

Drogi Pawle zrobiłeś wszystko doskonale wale większości statków są czarne lub szare ja w mojej La bella zrobiłem wszystko w jednym kolorze bo taki miałem zamiar od początku budowy. Połączenie kolorów wewnątrz jest super bardzo mi się podoba. Pozdrawiam Mirek
Dear Paweł, you have done everything perfectly, most of the ships are black or gray, I in my La bella did everything in one color, because that was my intention from the beginning of the construction. The color combination inside is great, I like it very much. Greetings Mirek
Thank you kindly Mirek.
Hi Paul,

Very clean work as always.

Ps there are no dangerous tools, just people who are using them dangerously. Guess you never drilled in your fingers with a dentist drill ROTF

Uhm the picture of the knife worries me ROTF ROTF
Agreed, Maarten. But the consequences of a mistake can be significant. The knife worries me too - it landed only a bit to the right of my foot :(.
Hello Friends!

A rare second posting this week. I had a free day today so I turned my attention to the upper deck clamps (these support the upper deck beams). Once again the curvature at the bow required spiling of planks:

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And a careless moment led to this:

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That could have turned out worse!

Here are the installed upper deck clamps:

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Those familiar with this build diary know that I have been questioning how I should proceed with this build: what details should be built? how much of the inner structure should be left visible? how best to do that?

Well, an unspoken question has been: should I leave the model fully in wood tones or should I add some color?

That decision has now been made:

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This is where some of you think: I wouldn't have done that... ROTF
Hi Paul, the contrast is certainly striking, and I like it. I probably would have gone for a dark stain initially and if it looked bad then painted over it.
Beautiful work Paul, you would think you’ve built 10 ships prior to this! You really do work above and beyond your experience level. ;)
As far as color, I believe black, gold, red and blue all accent natural wood very well. If used properly it can be the difference between boring and beautiful. But that’s just my opinion.
Hello Friends!

A rare second posting this week. I had a free day today so I turned my attention to the upper deck clamps (these support the upper deck beams). Once again the curvature at the bow required spiling of planks:

View attachment 401615

And a careless moment led to this:

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That could have turned out worse!

Here are the installed upper deck clamps:

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Those familiar with this build diary know that I have been questioning how I should proceed with this build: what details should be built? how much of the inner structure should be left visible? how best to do that?

Well, an unspoken question has been: should I leave the model fully in wood tones or should I add some color?

That decision has now been made:

View attachment 401622

This is where some of you think: I wouldn't have done that... ROTF
Paul, super stuff. I used to be that person that over thought things. Often I'd end up in that "paralysis through analysis" cul de sac, scratching my head.

After much reading and self development I learned to become more comfortable understanding that most often my first thought in most situations works out just fine!;) I'm including when deciding a golf shot and clubbing myself.ROTF If I could only get all that time back.:(

I really think the contrast in the main wales looks fantastic and draws my eye to everything else. It takes my eye on a little journey, directionally, stem to stern, taking in all the other elements along the way.

I can't wait to see what else you have in store for our eyes.

PS: I hope you don't model in flip flops!!

Hi Paul, very nice indeed. Not only am I always impressed with your dedicated work but I also enjoy your detailed and interesting log, it’s almost as if a written buy an intelligent human being. Ken
Thanks, Ken. Intelligent? Not always. But I'm trending... ROTF

How did you stop the stain/ink from wicking into the surrounding planks?
Hi Don. I used some high-quality painting tape from Tamiya to mask the edges - but I wasn't all that concerned because the frames will all be planked. In those areas where the black appears next to something that will not be planked (at the stem, for example) I first sealed the wood with wipe-on-poly. BUT - I still saw some wicking despite these precautions (but it is very, very minor). The density of the boxwood might have been my friend in this case.

Beautiful work Paul, you would think you’ve built 10 ships prior to this! You really do work above and beyond your experience level. ;)
As far as color, I believe black, gold, red and blue all accent natural wood very well. If used properly it can be the difference between boring and beautiful. But that’s just my opinion.
Dean, you are always so kind with your posts. I'm humbled. I also appreciate your notes on color choice: black, blue and red it will be according to your guidance (I'm going to resist using gold on this ship - the boxwood is very blond).

Good afternoon Paul. The stained wale has my vote. Boxwood ,while beautiful, does needs contrast. Cheers Grant
Thanks Grant! You usually say, "I wouldn't have done it that way, but..." ROTFROTFROTF

Paul, super stuff. I used to be that person that over thought things. Often I'd end up in that "paralysis through analysis" cul de sac, scratching my head.

After much reading and self development I learned to become more comfortable understanding that most often my first thought in most situations works out just fine!;) I'm including when deciding a golf shot and clubbing myself.ROTF If I could only get all that time back.:(

I really think the contrast in the main wales looks fantastic and draws my eye to everything else. It takes my eye on a little journey, directionally, stem to stern, taking in all the other elements along the way.

I can't wait to see what else you have in store for our eyes.

PS: I hope you don't model in flip flops!!

I LOVE this post, Ken! Yes, overthinking might be something we are both vulnerable to (guilty of).

As this build has progressed enough mistakes (consequentially or volitionally) have crept in that I am starting to find myself in a place of diminished expectations and comfort. I am following a number of build logs of swan class ships including several that are beyond my abilities. For a while I tried to keep pace but now that I have fallen so far behind I feel like some of the pressure is off.
Hello Friends!

A rare second posting this week. I had a free day today so I turned my attention to the upper deck clamps (these support the upper deck beams). Once again the curvature at the bow required spiling of planks:

View attachment 401615

And a careless moment led to this:

View attachment 401616

That could have turned out worse!

Here are the installed upper deck clamps:

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View attachment 401620View attachment 401621

Those familiar with this build diary know that I have been questioning how I should proceed with this build: what details should be built? how much of the inner structure should be left visible? how best to do that?

Well, an unspoken question has been: should I leave the model fully in wood tones or should I add some color?

That decision has now been made:

View attachment 401622

This is where some of you think: I wouldn't have done that... ROTF
I like this decision!