La Belle 1/36 - Plan by Jean Boudriot / myself

Interesting solution.
Generally i take monograph so i want to copy, and i take it to the printing store, then i ask for a 1:1 copy of the document and a mirror image of it. They have professional programs, so the printout is very accurate.
Then when I have two prints, left and right, i cut them to single frame and copy them again myself on a printer at home and cut them to all smal pieces. Then I know that the right copy will be the same as the left one. To be sure, I check it in GIMP.

I'll have to try your trick with the ruler.
The .pdf of Santa Ana "masts monograph" from AL website is accurate to 0,50mm on 90cm x 130cm paper board, so I am satisfied with the printing store work.
Nejprve udělejte na plánu žebro "M", tento rám je konstrukčně nejjednodušší. Pamatujte, že M má 3 spojená žebra. Rozhodně se hodí, ale to je pro tuto monografii velký problém. Nejlepší je naskenovat dokument a vykreslit zrcadlový obraz v programu a poté jej spojit do řádku. Nejjednodušší je, že výtisk musí být v měřítku 100 % vzhledem k originálu.
Ahoj. Jasně, to mám v plánu, ale místo zrcadlení nebo jiných metod zkusím polovinu žeber vyříznout a nalepit na dvě desky, které pak rozpůlím. A pak se budu jen modlit, aby byli stejní. Jinak bude následovat kontejner, nebo pohotovost v nemocnici...

Hello. Sure, that's what I plan to do, but instead of mirroring or other methods, I'm going to try cutting out half of the ribs and gluing them to two boards, which I then cut in half. And then I'll just pray they're the same. Otherwise, the container will follow, or the emergency room at the hospital...
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Quick tips from my lesson library. Scan a ruler and print it with the drawing to check the precision of the scan and print.
I print my drawings from PDF and I get different prints with different PDF-Viewers! This can cause problems.
The same PDF printed in Copyshop is perfect.
Hi Oliver, I also want to be able to print parts of a PDF drawing, such as the different parts of a frame/bow, I have an HP scanner/laser printer
which I want to use to print out paper templates to make the different parts.
The question is - which PDF program do you use, can you explain how you proceed in this process from PDF to template.
BDW, has already scanned several of the drawings at a printing office.
Greetings Knut-
Here you have gimp and the .png or .jpg format. A bigger problem is the print resolution or lack of toner in the printer, as seen in the photo.
On the left, monofraph, on the right a scan on a Brother DCP1610 printer using - "Brother Utilites Control Center 4". Made quickly, poor quality.
LA BELLE 1.pngLA BELLE 2.pngla bell 3.pngla bell 4.png
@Norway I always use pdf files, even when scan drawings, always in pdf. Why? Because it will keep the dimensions intact. The resolution will not infect the dimensions. Then I use photoshop to print parts of the image. Open the pdf in photoshop. Then I open a A4 empty template. With the selection tool I copy a piece of the drawing I want to print. And paste this in the A4 template, save as pdf. Open that file in acrobat reader and print it in 100% scale. You can also use photoshop to mirror a drawing.
I used Acrobat reader and the drawings wasn´t correct. Now i use the PDF X-Change viewer and print the drawings with a scale factor to get "correct" drawings.
I tested the scale factor as well with Acrobat, bat the results with the x-change viewers are better.
Maybe its not the software, it can be that my PC with my printer are the problem, i dont know. But thats my way at the moment. In the copy shop they told me that the best format for a scan for print is *.jpg.

Přikládám ukázku kýlu, samozřejmě to není Oliver, ale pro začátečníka....(?)
Místo černého papíru jsem lepidlo obarvil obyčejným inkoustem a přišpendlila. Zatím to drží...

I'm attaching a sample of the hernia, of course it's not Oliver, but for the beginner....(?)
Instead of black paper, I colored the glue with ordinary ink and pinned it. So far it's holding...



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Your progress looks good. These parts are not easy! Thumbsup
But please write in english to get a good flow in the converation. ;)
Hello Oliver! So I struggled a lot with GIMP to end up going to a copyshop where 1 copy cost me half a cent. I freaked out and tried different options, but GIMP had a problem with my printer (Canon), it wouldn't allow anything but one function - the number of copies. After printing, the dislocation was 2-5mm.
G9IMP never again.
First, make rib "M" on the plan, this frame is the simplest in construction. Remember that M has 3 joined ribs. They definitely fit, but this is a big problem for this monograph. It's best to scan the document and plot a mirror image in the program and then join it to a line. The easiest thing is that the printout must be at a scale of 100% to the original.