La Belle - Hachette Partwork - 1/30 scale

Very good and accurate work - she is looking very good :cool:
Friday, May 24th, 2024

Il lavoro sul modello continua . . piccoli passi in avanti, piccoli ma importanti.
In questi giorni ho lavorato principalmente ella zona di poppa.
Ho completato la cabina del comandante. In questo caso mi sono divertito a fare porte e finestrelle.
Poi ho lavorato allo specchio di poppa, completando il fasciame sia all'interno che all'esterno.
Di seguito alcune immagini della situaione ad oggi.

Work on the model continues. . small steps forward, small but important.
In recent days I have worked mainly in the stern area.
I completed the captain's cabin. In this case I had fun making doors and windows.
Then I worked on the transom, completing the planking both inside and outside.
Below are some images of the situation today.

Le travail sur le modèle se poursuit. . de petits pas en avant, petits mais importants.
Ces derniers jours, j'ai travaillé principalement dans la zone arrière.
J'ai terminé la cabine du capitaine. Dans ce cas, je me suis amusé à fabriquer des portes et des fenêtres.
Ensuite, j'ai travaillé sur le tableau arrière, complétant le bordé à l'intérieur comme à l'extérieur.
Ci-dessous quelques images de la situation aujourd'hui.

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Alla prossima . .
See you next time . .
À la prochaine . .
Friday, May 24th, 2024

Altre immagini . .
Other pictures . .
D'autres photos . .

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Alla prossima . .
See you next time . .
À la prochaine . .

Best regards, Jack Aubrey.
Tuesday 11 July 2023

A few years ago I collected all the issues of "La Belle", published by Hachette. At that time it was not my intention to build the model both because I had nowhere to build it and also because I wasn't interested in building an admiralty style model.
At the beginning of the year my wife and me moved to a new house, located in Colico, on Lake Como and in the new house I was able to create a new modeler workshop where to play my hobby.
At this point, having in the meantime finished the model of the Ragusian Carrack, I found myself in the situation of starting the construction of a new model.

I had three possibilities:

1) Finish the partially built model of the Brig HMS Guadeloupe, started and never completed years ago,
2) start the model of HMS Revenge (a kit by Amati),
3) the partwork of "La Belle" by Hachette.

The choice fell on the issues of La Belle.

The booklet number one, as usual, starts with having you build the house from the roof: in fact, it makes you assemble a gun, but from the second booklet you start assembling the mounting slip. Everything passes through a dozen issues but in the end the slip is ready.

Below are a few photos to give an idea of its appearance, which we will drag on for quite some time. All in MDF and I had absolutely no problem during its assembly.

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See you soon, in the next message we will see the assembly of the gun carriage.
Jack Aubrey
Hallo @jack.aubrey
we wish you all the BEST and a HAPPY BIRTHDAY
enjoy your special day
Il giorno 11 giugno ho subito un piccolo intervento chirurgico per l'installazione di un pacemaker. Era un evento programmato da tempo. Unica informazione mancante era la data dell'intervento. In previsione di questo, avevo interrotto le attività sul modello, pronto a riprendere appena il pacemaker fosse stato installato.
Purtroppo i medici raccontano sempre la favola a metà. Tutto sembrava facile e tranquillo. La realtà invece è stata che mi hanno cortesemente ma fermamente invitato a non eseguire assolutamente attività sportive e lavori che prevedessero sforzi per almeno un mese dall'intervento. Da qui la mia latitanza dal forum. Comunque ora sto per riprendere la vita normale e quindi anche la costruzione del modello. A presto , Jack Aubrey

PS: In ogni caso l'intervento è riuscito perfettamente, il problema legato alla bassa frequenza cardiaca è stato risolto e quindi dovrei essere completamente operativo, anche se mezzo umano e mezzo androide.
On June 11th I underwent a small surgery to install a pacemaker. It was a long-planned event. The only missing information was the date of the surgery. In anticipation of this, I had stopped work on the model, ready to resume as soon as the pacemaker was installed.
Unfortunately, doctors always tell the story halfway. Everything seemed easy and peaceful. The reality, however, was that they politely but firmly invited me not to perform any sports activities or work that required effort for at least a month after the surgery. Hence my absence from the forum. However, now I am about to resume normal life and therefore also the build of this model. See you soon, Jack Aubrey

PS: In any case the surgery was a perfect success, the problem related to the low heart rate has been resolved and therefore I should be fully operational, even if half human and half android.
Le 11 juin, j'ai subi une petite intervention chirurgicale pour installer un stimulateur cardiaque. C'était un événement planifié de longue date. La seule information manquante était la date de l'opération. En prévision de cela, j'avais arrêté le travail sur le modèle, prêt à reprendre dès que le stimulateur cardiaque serait installé.
Malheureusement, les médecins racontent toujours l’histoire à moitié. Tout semblait facile et paisible. La réalité, cependant, était qu’ils m’ont poliment mais fermement invité à ne pratiquer aucune activité sportive ni aucun travail demandant des efforts pendant au moins un mois après l’opération. D'où mon absence du forum. Cependant, je suis maintenant sur le point de reprendre une vie normale et donc aussi la construction du modèle. A bientôt, Jack Aubrey

PS : En tout cas l'opération a été une parfaite réussite, le problème lié à la faible fréquence cardiaque a été résolu et je devrais donc être pleinement opérationnel, même si je suis à moitié humain et à moitié androïde.
So you had once more a birthday - Good to know that you are well and the surgery was successfull
Fast recovery and have new fun with everything you like to do
Ringrazio tutti per gli auguri di compleanno . .
Purtroppo i compleanni cominciano a essere un poco tanti e la faccenda, non lo nego, comincia a preoccuparmi . . .
Comunque, così è la vita, per cui . . . cordiali saluti a tutti, Jack.

Thank you all for the birthday wishes . .
Unfortunately, birthdays are starting to become a bit crowded and the matter, I won't deny it, is starting to worry me . . .
Anyway, that's life, so . . . Kind regards everyone, Jack.

Merci à tous pour les vœux d'anniversaire . .
Malheureusement, les anniversaires commencent à être un peu chargés et l'affaire, je ne le nierai pas, commence à m'inquiéter . . .
De toute façon, c'est la vie, alors . . . Cordialement à tous, Jack.