Hallo Oliver,Is there any difference with arragement with the case between the plansets 1/24 and 1/36 ?
I bought the 1/48 74-Gun ship and it comes in a plasticenvelope with a carton slipcase. Very ugly and doesn´t combine
with the other monos in the shelf.
the drawings of the 74-gun ship was produced much later (by Lemineur) than the four books. and are not part of a typical monograph like all the others.
So at this time, when ancre published the drawings, they were only thought as working drawings to build a model.
Also my set of the drawings are keept together in such a (I would say "simple") card board slipcase
They are also called offcially "timbering plans"

Planset review - THE 74-GUN SHIP" (31 + 11 plans) in scale 1:48 (or 1:72) by Jean Boudriot and Timbering plans by JC Lemineur
Planset Review: "THE 74-GUN SHIP" (31 + 11 plans) in scale 1:48 (or 1:72) 31 plans by Jean Boudriot and 11 Timbering plans by JC Lemineur The drawing set is available in scale 1:72 or in scale 1:48 - my set (showing here) is in scale 1:48 complete Drawing set or only the newer...