Making great progress with no issues. I've completed the partial hull planking as called for in the practicum and am currently working on shaping the transom and planking the counter. Here are some photos with a few comments along the way:
Total build time so far:
164 hours
Transom is glued up to the stern. You will notice a very small piece of wood I had to add to extend the upper portion of the last frame on the left side. This was needed to ensure the transom was level. I do not believe this was a CAD or design error. More likely a very small builder's error that added up from bow to stern as I framed the ship. Wood variations, sanding variations, who knows... it is what wood modeling is all about. Not like a plastic kit.
Careful test fitting of the first hull plank in the stern area to ensure all the important relationships are checked out prior to gluing
A nice fit
Lots of clamps
Soaking in water was key to getting smooth bends out of the cherry planks
This is all of the outer hull planking. The other side only gets a few ribbands.
I ended up doing the top plank twice at the bow as I cut too much taper into it. It came out better the second time as seen here
Some more pics here as I worked on the stern area. PLEASE NOTE: This is where I made my first mistake in that I cut the lower transom timbers too short. I ended up making new ones and fixing this a bit later in the build.
Gluing in the stern transom pieces that then have to be sanded into shape.
Using a plastic zip tie to test the lie of the ribband plank as I shape the transom. I also have the first counter plank glued and clamped.
![Transom 3.jpg Transom 3.jpg](