LE COUREUR - french Lugger 1776 - POF kit from CAF in 1:48 by Uwe

The kit anchors have a really good form, made out of massive brass.
Nevertheless, as usual for me, I found a small area, compared to the Boudriot drawings, where I wanted to adjust and bash a little bit.

The flukes have a constant thickness



Often the anchor flukes are like this, nevertheless I decided here to follow the drawings where we can see, that they are at the end thinner.
It was an easy job to sand down the thickness until I was satisfied with the result

Here the right side is already adjusted




The right anchor is prepared - the left one out of the box


and also one already blackened and prepared with ring and the widened holeto take over the stock



The anchors of the kit are really good (much much better than from other manufacturers) and will fit very good on the bow of the model
It is now also the time to check once more and finaly the angles of the masts and sprits of the Le Coureur. Not easy with a lugger like this model.....

I have checked it also before with a small angle meter pr protractor, but I think most important is the feeling with you look at the model
Theoretical they are correct by 1 or 2° difference to the drawings


So to get a good comparison I pinned a copy of the sail drawing from Boudriot planset against the "wall" and put the model on the stand in front

On the first view problematic, but we have to check every single mast in a 90° angle towards the ship directly on the axis of the mast, so that the eye is exactly looking in 90° on the mast - with this we can check every time only one mast angle


I try to show this with the group of the following photos





I am realtively satisfied and think, that there are no bigger corrections necessary - so let us wait to receive the sails
Looking at your model now in perspective and not in close-up, I really think you have done a fine job of her. I wouldn't fret too much about the main mast - if your angle to the deck is within 2 degrees of that on the drawing, you have it as accurate as you can possibly hope for.
Hallo my friends,
first of all many thanks for all your kind words and comments as well all the likes received.

I am now fixing all the deck equipment permanently on the deck, accept the ship´s boat and the guns.
I took the opportunity to make once more a session of photos showing the actual status
and also once more to enjoy this amazing kit and the model - I am repeating myself saying, that here @CAFmodel made really and extreme good job

Due to the fact, that the delvery of the sails (under preparation by a friend in Russia) will take some more months, I considered to make only some short mast-stumps and will store the model like it is for the moment in a smaller showcase...... I will restart the work in some time .... what comes next? Stay tuned

But for the moment.......














Some more impressions in the following post ......
Hi Uwe don t go to quick otherwise it will be finished before the lock down ends.

Ps the two rests of the boat aren t these mounted the wrong way, the fwd aft and the aft fwd? Looks like the boat on deck is tilted with the bow up
Ha Ha - lockdown means here in Austria, that shops and restaurants, museum and theaters etc. are closed. But it does not mean, that we have to stay at home. The children are in school (with masks) and I am as usual at work. In the morning the traffic jam is smaller, but still a lot of people are going around...... so no possibility for me to work more on my model(s)

I checked your comment, but it seems to be correct build, like it is shown (in moment it is only temporary and the boat and stands are not fixed)...... but .....

There are three stands under the boat

I have no photo of the Boudriot plans, but these stands are similar to the Boudriot drawings

When I made the last photos the third stand "2E-7" at the stern of the boat is missing, which has to be glued that it is stabile, so the boat was resting only on the main and fore stand.

Therefore the boat is fore slightly too high (red markings)

This is the sideview (sailplan) by Jean Boudriot



I think, that the angle will be more or less correct, when the boat is based on all three stands

@Maarten you have very good eyes - and mayn thanks, that you take really a closer look on the photos Thumbsup Thumbsup Thumbsup
Hello Uwe,

A beautiful build, that's for sure!
Hope you don't mind asking, but looking at the upper deck layout, how would the crew be able to handle the first and second starboard cannon, with the (life)boat stored in the shown position?

Kind regards,
