LE ROCHEFORT - Harbour yacht from 1787 1:36 by Tobias (Monograph by ANCRE)

Bonjour @Titoneri , bienvenue chez SOS et dans notre groupe Le Rochefort, je serais ravie que vous rejoigniez notre groupe. Merci aussi pour vos très gentils mots, je suis aussi dans le forum français de G.Delacroix et j'y reçois beaucoup d'informations. Mon expérience dans la construction à gratter n'en est qu'à ses balbutiements et je fais de mon mieux pour la transmettre en mots et en images, il existe certainement d'autres et meilleures solutions.
Bonjour oui avec plaisir j'aimerai rejoindre le groupe:) mon expérience est encore plus qu'au debut en tous les cas en modélisme d'arsenal. j'habite en Alsace et je comprend et parle allemand egalement, also kein problem fur die sprache, sag mir grade wie ich den arbeitsgruppe beizutreten kann.
Hello and have a nice good evening,
thanks for all the comments and likes and the interesting discussion of the last topic.

The keelson has been set up and nailed.

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In the following pictures I have drawn and adjusted the longitudinal strips for the crossbeams of the deck. Each side consists of four longitudinal bars that are interlocked. In order to be able to adjust the bends in the arch reasonably well, I watered the strips well and clamped them. I let this dry for about 24 hours. In the bars I have roughly prepared the savings for the dovetails that have to be worked out later. The 3 breast hooks from below are worked into the front bar, i.e. this bar is milled. For the opposite strips, I only orientate myself roughly on the marking, here I insert a suitable cross strip and align it in the water.

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Good evening Tobias. Wow. Precise, immaculate,accurate and wonderful. I lost your build for a while, was looking under the scratch builds and thought you disappeared :rolleyes:. Awesome to catch up. I really enjoy the different wood types/ tones you achieved. Cheers Grant
Sorry folks, I've been very busy at work for the past 1 1/2 weeks and have driven through half of Germany to meet colleagues from the sister plants. This was not the end of the weekend either, as a trip with the family to their home country of Thuringia was planned, further 450 km on Saturday and 450 km back on Sunday. It sounds a bit stressful, but it was an incredibly beautiful trip. Now back to the Rochefort, tomorrow I'll do the promised tutorial on the fashion piece. I am also looking forward to my delivery of wood from Vahur in Estonia, which should arrive tomorrow. Thank you for your patience.





A small part of the family, brother and sister-in-law with her daughter and her husband as well as her daughter, my wife and me. That's me on the top left, the Admiralty on my right. ;)



Here we are in the famous fairy grotto near Saalfeld
Fashion piece:

As promised, the step-by-step explanation of how I proceeded with the fashion piece, belatedly.

I made 2 copies because we need them to glue both sides. Cut and glue our copy and saw the whole thing out. Next, I used the spindle sander and disc sander to shape the fashion piece into shape.

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In the next step, the second copy comes into play, I now stick it on the other side to see where my lines are that need to be beveled. Then I make a small mark on the short piece that only needs to be beveled minimally, exactly up to the kink then the direction I have to bevel changes.

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Now all you have to do is bevel the other side and your fashion piece is almost done.
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This twisting is created by looping the upper piece in the opposite direction. Finally, the bevel is made below, but you should adjust this to your last frame when it is installed to get an exact fit. I hope I could shed some light into the darkness.
Good morning dear model builders.

A small update how it looks at the moment.
The planking on the inside is progressing very slowly, and I've also started on the pump shaft.

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As mentioned, I was expecting a new delivery of wood. It comes from Vahur (Hobbymill.eu) it's really amazing quality, Paul @dockattner can attest to this.

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Sometimes I regret not going for 1:24, it's very tight inside. ;)
No problem at La Palme, the space was sufficient and 1:36 is the scale I want to build. Not too small but also not too big, well except for Le Egypienne (170cm long) that could still be difficult if the Admiralty approves.
Sorry folks, I've been very busy at work for the past 1 1/2 weeks and have driven through half of Germany to meet colleagues from the sister plants. This was not the end of the weekend either, as a trip with the family to their home country of Thuringia was planned, further 450 km on Saturday and 450 km back on Sunday. It sounds a bit stressful, but it was an incredibly beautiful trip. Now back to the Rochefort, tomorrow I'll do the promised tutorial on the fashion piece. I am also looking forward to my delivery of wood from Vahur in Estonia, which should arrive tomorrow. Thank you for your patience.

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A small part of the family, brother and sister-in-law with her daughter and her husband as well as her daughter, my wife and me. That's me on the top left, the Admiralty on my right. ;)

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Here we are in the famous fairy grotto near Saalfeld
Good morning Tobias. Beautiful pictures. Something special about the times we have with Family. Cheers Grant
Hello everyone and have a wonderful good evening.

While the floorboards are drying, I'm busy with further construction phases. The load compartment floor, for example, has a special feature, the plans show that the first two rows from the middle have no nails. The limberboards are underneath these floorboards and in order to get to them, these floorboards have to be loose. Here the two plans and in the next picture my preparation.

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Work continued on the pump shaft and the doors have also been completed. I didn't stick to the plan 100% for the doors. Although they are the same size, they appear asymmetrical because I have separated both sides in the middle to ensure that they close flush. The brass work will be another task, let's see how I can do it, completely new territory for me.

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Thank you for your interest and for stopping by, see you days.
Très beau travail que ce Rochefort.
Admiration totale à Tobias qui réussi l’exploit incroyable, de pouvoir réaliser deux modèles de grande qualité
en même temps: L'Amarante et le Rochefort.

Very nice work that this Rochefort. Total admiration to Tobias who achieved the incredible feat of being able to make two high quality models at the same time: Amarante and Rochefort.