Hi Don,
Your part (Keel and stem) are not fixed together. In my opinion it´s not a good idea to apjust one part on two loose parts. Where is the reference ? Everytime on a other place. You have to fix the curve, you need stable parameters to adjust one thing with a other. I think a parting line on your apron are wrong.
I will describe how i resolve corner like this. Sorry, my english doesn´t helps me, i will try to explain on pictures. I am a beginner as well, but this methode me helps. The curved joint for me also isn´t very simple. I know modellers they cut it with the saw, and it and the parts fits. I dont´t have these golden hands, not the experience. So my method me helps to get a good result.
First what i find out for mit was that i need a Motherpiece and the second piece i need to adjust on them. Never change the adjusting between the parts. The mother is fixed. You change only the scond part. If you did a mistake, create the second part new ! Never modificate the mother. Outsidecurves are more simples to adjust than Inside curves !!! My Motherprts has every time insidecurves. I adjust the second part with the outsidecurve. This is not too complicated, most of times i do it wih the tabelsander ! Every attempt to adjust a part with the inside curve was a bad result.
I use a spindelsander and a tablesander for this works. I have 90 degress in the table and this helps to get a sharp an clean parting line on both sides of the part.
First you have to glue the drawings on the part. Then to make the joint with the keel an the stem. Important that in the inside and in the outside you have material.
After this you make the insidecurve (2). When the curve is good you can make the outsidecurve (3). When your insidecurve differ from the drawing
a little bit you can get a constant thinckness from the part when you can compensite this.
In the same way you can create now the apron, the deadwood ect. First you adjust the surface to the stem/keelon on no. 2, after this you make the thickness from the part.
Depend from the join of the parts it makes sometimes sense to mount more pieces together anjust together on the keel.
Maybe the professionals need to laugh with my way, but i am a beginner also. I spend a lot of hours to find a techique what helps me to get a clear an exact joint. What count finaly is the result. Here is the stem from my La Belle.
I don´t know the Rochefort exactly but i think she is a good project for beginners. Every beginning is hard. Tears, blood, an sweat. This kind of modelism you only will achieve if you fight. Every day, every part again. And again, and again. Remember the moon-speech from JFK. Every time !
Thats all
"not because they are easy, but because they are hard; because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one we intend to win"