Le Soleil Royal ZHL Build Log [COMPLETED BUILD]

Yes, well, that's it.Do you think I'm an idiot?Here's a link for you, here are the photos for you.What the hell is Cumberland?http://forum.modelsworld.ru/topic13874.html

View attachment 317421

View attachment 317422
Thank you for sharing this, Andrey. But did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed? (This is a dumb English idiom meaning why are you grumpy today.) I don’t think Uwe meant any disrespect to you. We all hold you and your knowledge and skills in great respect.
Do you think I'm an idiot?
No! but using photos of somebody else you should mention from where you took them. I know Alexey very well so therefore I made the addition with the youtube video.
And please be a little bit more cautious choosing your words.
I don't understand what these words mean. I used a rude word, as it were, in relation to myself.Have I offended someone? I gave advice, showed you how to do it. Why specify the author of the model.?I was shown a drawing, I doubted it, showed a photo of the finished model, by the way, made according to this drawing. Here they are trying to correct me, passing off one model for another, and another author. And I'm to blame for something, should I apologize? Why are everyone so gentle? I hope I wrote here without rudeness, I did not offend anyone.
I don't understand what these words mean. I used a rude word, as it were, in relation to myself.Have I offended someone? I gave advice, showed you how to do it. Why specify the author of the model.?I was shown a drawing, I doubted it, showed a photo of the finished model, by the way, made according to this drawing. Here they are trying to correct me, passing off one model for another, and another author. And I'm to blame for something, should I apologize? Why are everyone so gentle? I hope I wrote here without rudeness, I did not offend anyone.
Again, I thank you for your advice and encouragement. And we do not think you are an idiot. In the USA and Western Europe, we have a tradition of providing attribution that acknowledges others’ work. Many of us have advanced university degrees in schools that would have expelled us for not providing accurate citations. In any case, I appreciate your willingness to share. You have helped me in more ways than you will ever know. I hope the translation will do this message justice.
Again, I thank you for your advice and encouragement. And we do not think you are an idiot. In the USA and Western Europe, we have a tradition of providing attribution that acknowledges others’ work. Many of us have advanced university degrees in schools that would have expelled us for not providing accurate citations. In any case, I appreciate your willingness to share. You have helped me in more ways than you will ever know. I hope the translation will do this message justice.
Thanks Vic for the words. I just think that before making any element of the model, you need to find out as much information as possible. That's what the Internet is for, where you can find anything.in a particular case, I just chose the first suitable photo that the browser search gave me. Why do I need to know who made this model? I see that this is done correctly and try to repeat it on my models. I do not assign the authorship of this model to myself. But then I brought a photo, the author of the model I know. So he wrote. What is the crime that I show photos of models from the public Internet. For each model, I try to look for as much information as possible, upload a lot of photos of models, different authors and try to take everything good from everyone.
Thanks Vic for the words. I just think that before making any element of the model, you need to find out as much information as possible. That's what the Internet is for, where you can find anything.in a particular case, I just chose the first suitable photo that the browser search gave me. Why do I need to know who made this model? I see that this is done correctly and try to repeat it on my models. I do not assign the authorship of this model to myself. But then I brought a photo, the author of the model I know. So he wrote. What is the crime that I show photos of models from the public Internet. For each model, I try to look for as much information as possible, upload a lot of photos of models, different authors and try to take everything good from everyone.
Hello Mr. Deep.
I don't know how it works for copyrighted material, I think you're legally not allowed to copy and distribute that information, with or without mentioning the source, unless you have prior written permission to do so, but for other, not copyrighted material, it is common practice (and considered to be a courtesy) to mention the source (or even to include a link)
Also, in more professional publications and the likes, it is essential to mention all consulted and referenced to material.
When posting anything, using data assembled by others, also when using information from the internet, I try to mention where the data originates from. Again at minimum as a courtesy, but also to be clear the data is not mine to begin with.
To be clear, this is not meant to be offensive, only explanatory.
Thank you, Andrey. There is so much information out there. Sometimes it’s hard to sort through it all or even understand it the first few times you are exposed to it. For example, I’ve been tying double knots to fasten my futtocks to shrouds on three different ships. Just yesterday I read how to loop it over the rod once and tie it off to the shrouds. I must have read that at least two times before it finally dawned on me that I was doing it the wrong way.
I don't understand what these words mean. I used a rude word, as it were, in relation to myself.Have I offended someone? I gave advice, showed you how to do it. Why specify the author of the model.?I was shown a drawing, I doubted it, showed a photo of the finished model, by the way, made according to this drawing. Here they are trying to correct me, passing off one model for another, and another author. And I'm to blame for something, should I apologize? Why are everyone so gentle? I hope I wrote here without rudeness, I did not offend anyone.
@Mr.Deep Hi Andrey, Do you lose in translation? What makes SOS different from other forums is that we don't allow ourselves to behave the same as on some other forums! We are a friendly bunch here and have a common interest in ship modeling. You did offend Uwe and you should apologize, once.
As one of the wisdom said, powerful the one who can admit he's mistaken! If you disagree with someone, it is OK, but no need to offend another. Every discussion can be resolved in a peaceful conversation. Also, direct translation from any language using an online translator is not accurate and sometimes can translate wrong meaning and I really hope this is the case.

Привет Андрей, Правильно ли ты переводишь? Что отличает SOS от других форумов, так это то, что мы не позволяем вести себя так же, как на некоторых, других форумах ! Мы здесь дружная компания, и у нас есть общий интерес к моделированию кораблей. Ты обидел Уве, и ты должен извиниться. Как сказал один из мудрецов, силен тот, кто может признать свою ошибку! Если ты и с кем-то не согласeн, это нормально, но не нужно обижать другого. Любую дискуссию можно решить в мирной беседе. Кроме того, прямой перевод с любого языка с помощью онлайн-переводчика не является точным и иногда может привести к неправильному смыслу, и я очень надеюсь, что это твой случай

С уважением, Дмитрий
Well, it seems I'm wrong here.Uwe was talking about my post with one photo. Maybe this is the Baranov model, I do not argue. As I said, I pulled the first photo I saw from the network. Then yes, I lost my temper, I'm sorry.
But here I am tormented by a question. Let's say I want to tell a person how to do this or that correctly. But why specify the author of the model that I showed? And if it's a model from some museum? To get to the truth, who made it and when.?Okay, I'm calm, I'm calm!
But here I am tormented by a question. Let's say I want to tell a person how to do this or that correctly. But why specify the author of the model that I showed? And if it's a model from some museum? To get to the truth, who made it and when.?Okay, I'm calm, I'm calm!
Specifying who made the model, when you use their photos, is a simple matter of professional courtesy. People are used to seeing others use photos with the name of the source next to it. I don't think anyone should get enraged when you don't have the source's name either. There's enough things on the internet which are worthy of one's anger without having to make things up... like those jerks who threw me off the other forum for asking about a model style using a picture from a company they hate. What can you do ? :rolleyes:
But here I am tormented by a question. Let's say I want to tell a person how to do this or that correctly. But why specify the author of the model that I showed? And if it's a model from some museum? To get to the truth, who made it and when.?Okay, I'm calm, I'm calm!
Andrey, I agree with Kurt. You give credits as a courtesy to the author for using his images\videos. Many authors do have a disclaimer about their works in general. They even said, "do not use without personal authorization". In such a case, we shouldn't post the author's work here.

Андрей, я согласен с Куртом. Вы как бы отдаете должное автору за использование его изображений\видео. Стоит отметить что многие авторы запрещают использование своих фотографий без соответствующего на то разрешения. В таком случае мы не должны размещать здесь эти работы, что бы не нарушать его авторские права.