Finished up the deck cabin last night. OcCre did not provide enough of the door frames so I had to manufacture a couple using some 1mm by 1mm sapeli. Tonight I think I'll put on some 1 X 3 limewood decking on the back side of the rear plate and we'll start building the cannon port doors.
For the cannon port doors, I was checking out how others handled the hinges, particularly how they connected them to the hull. Most people just bent the back end a bit and called it good, Bilal on the other hand is clearly in a class of his own here. Even looking at his incredible close ups of his jig I am still not real sure how to do this. AND, there are no extra hinges to play around with.
I also agree with most others that just having them wide open is not the way to go. So we'll keep them horizontal.
Good fun stuff
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