The dimensions of my stove partly depended on the space I had in the forecastle. The 'house' is 11x7x9mm / .433 x .275 x .354
With LED-lights inside the hull, you will see a lot of the interior and a Fisherman’s replica would be great. And a LED in the stove …….:D Wow!
Hello Peter, Thanks for your great information. Gosh 11x7x9mm is very tiny, this will be a challenge to get all of the detail on this stove that I want., may have to cut back just a bit.
Regards Lawrence
The dimensions of my stove partly depended on the space I had in the forecastle. The 'house' is 11x7x9mm / .433 x .275 x .354
With LED-lights inside the hull, you will see a lot of the interior and a Fisherman’s replica would be great. And a LED in the stove …….:D Wow!
Hello Peter, Sorry to be such a pain to you but this 9mm is this the over haul heights including the legs and the rail around the top of the cook area? Thanks
Regards Lawrence
Hello Peter, Sorry to be such a pain to you but this 9mm is this the over haul heights including the legs and the rail around the top of the cook area? Thanks
Regards Lawrence
1 picture tell more then ......
331 StoveA.jpg
Just the 'housing'. The legs and railing is just how thin you can cut of fill the brass 2x4 the same length :)
1 picture tell more then ......
...besides you show the kitchen, the crew will be starving, for the most part. :p Empty shelves, no kitchen tools. Where is the food, captain? :) Who cares about the housing...

Absolutely in love with your miniature, Peter
...besides you show the kitchen, the crew will be starving, for the most part. :p Empty shelves, no kitchen tools. Where is the food, captain? :) Who cares about the housing...

Absolutely in love with your miniature, Peter
Is that a challenge I'm reading?
...besides you show the kitchen, the crew will be starving, for the most part. :p Empty shelves, no kitchen tools. Where is the food, captain? :) Who cares about the housing...
I hope Lawrence does not mind …….. Jim: after installing and filling the kitchen and turning upside down the hull for the further build, sh.. what a mess. :( I put those items one time back in place when she stands up again. After the next 10+ times ………. It is now in a construction shed on the yard. ;) We will see later ……
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Hello Ship Mates, The little fellows and I have completed the Nerve Racking job of drilling the YQ-Bluenose keel and taping it for a couple of 6/32"mounting screws. We have not drilled the tiny hole for the Led Lighting wire as yet and will wait until our order arrives from Evans Designs also an SOS sponsor to arrive before doing so

We have also installed the caring beams for the center bow deck and along with the supports for the ships Windless and Samson Poles. We have also planked the outer bow hull area below these beams with Castella Boxwood giving this a nice clean look.

We also got a lot of very helpful ideas and hints from Peter on the building of the Galley Cook Stove. This is rather tiny, but we will put a lot of effort into it as we wait for the glue to dry on the Port side of the ships hull, and see just what we come up with!

Regards LawrenceIMG_6143.JPGIMG_6144.JPG
Haha …. 1x swallow, looking 1x again and then go …… you have to do it and you did it. Job done, Lawrence.
Hello Peter, Yes this drilling had me a bit worried that is for sure. But then again if the drill had broke out this area would have been covered by the display mount, knowing this it was not all that bad.
Regards Lawrence
Hello Ship Mates, The little fellows and I continue working on our YQ - Bluenose. We have built and installed the lower Focal Deck, the Lower Main Deck along with the Aft Stringers Deck. These we built out of Cherry Wood. We have also added our simulated Tree Nails to these three decks. These decks seam to dress her up a bit, but we have a long way to go.

Regards Lawrence
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