Looking very good Lawrence! You’re on the home stretch to the first milestone.
Then you can start working on the inner frame work, below deck. It comes with its own challenges, but I am certain you will do well. ;)
Superb work Lawrence. I cannot wait to your fully-assembled cathedral!:)
Hello Ship Mates, Today we have completed building the frames for our YQ Bluenose, We have also added the two stern extension's. So in looking over our build it looks like we are about to start gluing in the frames to the ships keel and also the building jig. This should give my sour fingers a chance to toughen up just a bit.

Regards LawrenceView attachment 293626View attachment 293627View attachment 293628
Just about halfway with my frames. To my defense: three weeks away from the yard ánd the decision to put in some trennels. I'd love to see your frames with those as well... ;)ROTF
Looking very good Lawrence! You’re on the home stretch to the first milestone.
Then you can start working on the inner frame work, below deck. It comes with its own challenges, but I am certain you will do well. ;)
Hello Dean, Thanks for your visit and also for your very kind words. I now must add the simulated bolts to all of my completed frames, this should be very interesting, before gluing in the frames.
Regards Lawrence
As written above: it’s looking very good, Lawrence. Not the end of all the char, but now you can clean up and work to the cathedral-view. And give your finger some rest. :)
Regards, Peter
Hello Peter, Thanks for your visit and also for your very nice words. Yes the Cathedral will have to wait a day or so that will surly help my sour fingers.
Regards Lawrence
Nice progress Laurence

The frames look nice and clean, I thought the keel was one of those difficult frames myself, but given your previous work I don't doubt your expertise
Top, keep it up

Hello Henk, I thank you for your visit and also for your very kind words. I thought that I would start gluing in the frames today but over looked all of those simulated bolts that I want to add to the frames first.
Regards Lawrence
Just about halfway with my frames. To my defense: three weeks away from the yard ánd the decision to put in some trennels. I'd love to see your frames with those as well... ;)ROTF
Hello Johan, thanks for your visit and also for your nice comments. Later on today I will begin adding all of those simulated bolts to the frames before I start to glue them in place.
Regards Lawrence
Hello Ship Mates, Just a tiny update this AM as we have begun adding those Tiny brass nails that we received from the Dry-dock Models and Parts to simulate the bolts in the ships hull frames. Only 54 sets to go. These tint nails are only 0.023" or 0.6mm in diameter.

Regards Lawrence View attachment 293728
Nice! I like it! Good to see your personal touch on it. ;)
Hello Ship Mates, Just a tiny update this AM as we have begun adding those Tiny brass nails that we received from the Dry-dock Models and Parts to simulate the bolts in the ships hull frames. Only 54 sets to go. These tint nails are only 0.023" or 0.6mm in diameter.

Regards Lawrence View attachment 293728
Aha, fantastic! Another build with trennels.
Hello Johan, I am pleased that you like my simulated frame bolts, golly but there sure is a lot of them. I got 13 frames done yesterday, but still have a long way to go.
Regards Lawrence
I saw you're using copper nails, those might cost you a little more time than the toothpicks I'm using. Admittedly, my trennels are less visible than yours.
I saw you're using copper nails, those might cost you a little more time than the toothpicks I'm using. Admittedly, my trennels are less visible than yours.
Hello Johan, Yes that is true but these tiny brass nails that I saw on the Dry-Dock Models & Parts over a year ago now I wanted to use them to simulate the ships hull frame, much like Dean did in his YQ-Bluenose build log. I do not feel that they stick out to much but a bit more than your very realistic tooth picks.
Regards Lawrence
Hello Johan, Yes that is true but these tiny brass nails that I saw on the Dry-Dock Models & Parts over a year ago now I wanted to use them to simulate the ships hull frame, much like Dean did in his YQ-Bluenose build log. I do not feel that they stick out to much but a bit more than your very realistic tooth picks.
Regards Lawrence
These details are really down to one's preferences. For a long time I've been alternating between brass or wooden trennels. Ended up with wood.
Hi Lawrence. A nice personal touch with those brass nails. It takes some time, but the result gives a nice view.
Regards, Peter
Hello Peter, I thank you very much for your very kind words. I do like the look of the tiny brass nails. I almost went with even bought a draw plate but the brass won out.
Regards Lawrence