Hi WojtasS.
Thank you for your comments and recommendations.
Due to my financial situation which I might add is getting worse, and my love of building boats/ships this project has only been made possible thank's to one of our good members.
Our member Rsj was kind enough to send me some drawings and instructions for the 1:200 scale HMS Victory that he had built.
So I decided that I would attempt to make this ship with what ever I could find lying around the house as I do not have any money to spend on this hobby.
I knew I had some spare bits and pieces for this type of ship and I was hoping that I had enough to complete it.
What I did not have I would have to try and make from some thing.
The reason I call it a representative model is because of the lack of equipment to be able to make the parts properly.
Re: the deadeyes.
These were from my spares box and were the closest that I have, my plan was that as the real ships deadeye's are black In colour I thought I would paint these black and that way they would blend in better and hopefully would look ok.
Re:the Catheads.
On the parts drawings it only shows two holes in each.
So if I can try and fill the two holes I then might be able to change it and drill four holes in them.
Re: the back stay deadeyes.
Again these are from my spares box. I have to use them now as they are super glued in but hopefully when they are painted black they should blend in better.
I have found some smaller deadeyes but only enough to do the ones on the mast platforms. (sorry I don't know the proper names for these)
One day if I can afford to do the Lottery I might be lucky enough to win enough to purchase a nice big kit like you guys have