Good morning Dean. Beautiful picture to mark your 100th page. Cheers Grant
Thanks Grant!
Treenails, I have very mixed feeling about those. I added them to the basic structure (frames and keel parts), but omitted them for the rest of the build, I didn't trust myself getting it right. (Especially drilling holes of 0,3mm diameter...)
There are examples of both sides of the spectrum: beautifully executed, matching the period and the scale, but also (please mind, these are my personal opinions and by no means any offense meant) too coarse and too large and catching my eye in the wrong sense. And here's the funny thing, if it's done right, I don't register the treenails, done to the other side of the spectrum and it gives me sore eyes.
So in the end of the day it's you Dean, to decide upon the pressing treenail dilemma and any advice given by your fellow builders is exactly that: advice.
Thank you for your thoughts Johan.
I have given this much thought... and I am of the opinion that if they are too large in order to be seen better, it will look bad, and even if the proper scale my ship may look like it has a case of the measles!

And there is no recovering from that!
I feel like the real focus on the side of the hull is going to be all of the cannon port lids which will be red with gold Lion heads. The treenails will be lost in the background, and could even be a distraction.
It is easy to tell someone to drill 3,000 or more tiny holes in their ship and then fill them, when you aren't the one who has to do the work!

I have to weigh the work and risk involved, and then ask myself is it worth it. I like the clean look of the hull currently. So I am trying to envision the ship with the nails, I have added them to the wales, but not so sure about the hull.
In addition,
in my opinion I think sometimes people want to add them as a way of showing their build is of a higher caliber. At the risk of offending people, I don't think adding a bunch of holes makes you a better craftsman, it just shows you have a lot of patience and determination. A high caliber build has clean joinery and well finished and painted components, etc. It has nothing to do with how many nails you add, once again that is my opinion. So I won't get caught up in the mentality that if I don't add them, then my ship won't be first rate.

So that's some of the things bouncing around in my head as I contemplate nails!
And a final note to all - I think people sometimes forget
opinions can be neither right or wrong! Only facts can be right or wrong!
So if I say 2+2=5, then I am wrong. If I say ships look better painted red and gold, I am neither right or wrong, I am merely giving my opinion.