Bad news and Good news...
First the Bad... while gathering pieces for the next step...
I couldn't find piece DCA-2! Certainly it couldn't have been lost by me, because I don't remove parts from the trays (die cast pieces) or sprue (plastic pieces) until they are needed.
So I checked my photos showing the contents when I first unpacked the kit...
Sure enough, there is the empty cavity for the die cast part DCA-2 shown above. I never noticed it...sigh!
I need this part to couple the transmission with the motor! And trust me, I turned my entire room upside down and searched through the entire contents of the kit to no avail! I find it hard to believe it would have fallen out and not be in sight anywhere.
So I contacted the store that I purchased the kit from, and they gave me an email address...dead end! So I got online at the Pocher website and found a phone number for the US customer service contact. I called and got a voice mail saying to email customer support. I emailed customer support and got a reply saying they will get back to me within two days! Sigh!!!!
So I have a few choices at this point, wait and see if I can get the part in a timely manner, or... I have to design one in Cad and print it in plastic.
This part has brackets that the struts attach to, and it should be fine in plastic, however I don't know the exact thickness, and that determines the distance between the struts that go from the rear suspension to the front of the motor. I will have to assemble a lot of suspension pieces to accurately determine that, and then take it all apart again. So it is doable, but I am hopeful they will respond in a timely manner and get me the part I paid for, so I don't have to make my own part (which will be very time consuming)! Plus I prefer the die cast piece for strength reasons.
And finally, how did that leave the Pocher factory with a part clearly missing from the tray? The kit was sealed and I had to cut it open. Given the cost, I would have expected a better quality control.
Now the good news!
There are many more sub assemblies that I can work on while waiting to see how this plays out. I was excited to see the motor and rear end come together, but it all has to be done eventually. So working on other sub assemblies will keep my build moving forward. I just won't be working in the same order as the instructions.