Purchased shortly ago / sthg new in your workshop -> present it here

I got a parcel from Hans from company @Kolderstok

The Plank-Bender and also the small hand-drill he is offering on his web-page (not only ship model kits!)

the (dot)com web-page is in moment not working.....so you can also contact him via PM here in our forum

kolderstock plank bender.jpg

Only having these tools in hand you can feel, that they are very good quality, also the hand drill.
Highly recommended
Good Morning
Found this old kit for sale and just love it. Colorful history of this ship made it a must have.
The St Roch is a very interesting vessel and model - I am looking forward to see your building log later on....
But also @Dean62 , wonderful kit - so also here we hope, that you start a kit review and a building log after your Xebec...... :cool:
The St Roch is a very interesting vessel and model - I am looking forward to see your building log later on....
But also @Dean62 , wonderful kit - so also here we hope, that you start a kit review and a building log after your Xebec...... :cool:
You bet, I will do a build log. Still waiting to get some kind of tracking info. Not sure how long it will take to get here?
Good, that I am not the only one ;)
BTW: a warm welcome here on board of our forum.....
with all of the modeling toys we all need bigger tool boxes. . . or bigger spaces to lose things within. . . where did I put that down a few minutes ago????? Oh, right under my nose. PT-2
I have the Dremel Moto Saw, it is my favorite cutting tool use it constatly, and have never broken a blade, for thicker pieces like on my Blanford, 1/4 in Natural Pear, I use my large scroll saw also a Dremel got it about 15 years ago, it also is a GREAT MACHINE, once you get used to the Moto Saw you will be happy with it. Don
The main problem is blade tension- experience and Utube very helpful
Princess Auto had a great deal on these clamps ($12). Also purchased small magnets 1/4x7/8 inch. They are perfect for immobilizing parts as the glue sets.


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