Thanks Dicas and John and thanks to all the 'Likes'.
The lower moldings were added after some painting job.
I also started to glue the interior planks. I sanded the top edge flush with the top of the cap rail after using some lightweight filler to fill the little gaps.
The building is really fun
Thanks to all the 'Likes'.
I have begin to work on the two benches. I just made a small change in the sequence of the steps.
I preferred to glue the two coxswain seats before to add the bench seat back.
I found that it was easier to fill any gaps on this two seats without the presence of the bench seat back.
I will paint now all the whole back part at the back of the bench seat before to glue it.
I also find it easier to position the seat back with the two coxswain seats in place.
All parts of the kit are well cut and fit together perfectly.
Thanks to all the 'Likes'.
The work on the bench seat back is done. I continued the painting work by applying many thin layers of paint.
The risers have also been installed and the forward platform added.
I will add now the stretchers. I must first place on each side a long thin timber.
To find the right position and especially to be able to give these two timbers the good shape, I prepare a jig.
After photocopying the plan and establishing the complete floor situation, I determined the position of the timbers at six locations. I hope to be able to preform the two timbers using this jig... It will be for tomorrow, once the glue dries...
Thank you to everyone who follows this build.
The stretchers are in place.
I first bend the two long thin timbers using the jig that I have build. Two minutes in hot water and the I fixed them on the jig using rubber bands.
After a few hours, they kept their shape.
This way of doing things facilitated the final positioning
Thank you for all these nice comments and to all the 'Likes'.
A little update on my build log. I finished the inside planking.
For the shorter curved piece at the bow, I replicated it on a cardboard so I could cut it to the right length.
I then curve it in shape and before gluing it I marked its height wit a compass. I finally sanded it to the right width using an emery board before gluing.
All the spaces are filled with wood filler and sanded smooth.
I'm ready for the last stage of painting...
Thank you for your nice comments and to all people who follows this build.
I finished my last big stage of painting. But before doing it, I glued all the thole pins. I don't like to glue painted elements...
Do not be surprised by the space between the two inside planking : as the future boxwood panels will be positioned on top of the thwarts, this small gap will finally hidden by them. I also placed the seal between the two parts of the lower molding at the future emplacement of a resin casting. Just hope that my calculations are correct...
I was a little afraid of the border between the cap rail and the upper molding. But after a little sanding using a fine-grit sandpaper I'm pretty satisfied with the final result.