No. I have to confess that I am not as satisfied with what I am doing there and it has been very on and off. I spent a lot of time completing my firing naval cannon and now am doing a sighting-in process at various ranges and combinations of elevation bolsters at the gun range where I am a range safety officer and became acquainted with muzzle loaders. Anyhow, I should put up some phots as I did in the Canoe Group Build for the two that I completed as entry training for planking that was needed in the strip canoes. Hope that pays off but I am challenged in planking the POB Bluenose. I have a book that I purchased on Bluenose II which is essentially the same. My Model Expo kit does have plans that are well documented for their provenance back to the original draughts and later vetted plans which is why I had some questions about the Chinese CAD Bluenose where I believe that they took some of their own artistic license with some details. Speed is not my objective, nor at this late stage of life is the perfection of building that other SoS members have. There are some things that I am satisfied with having to accept with my macular degeneration affecting depth perception and vision in general so I may glue something down and not recognize the problem until too late and not willing to cut enough apart to do it again if it will be covered up in later phases. It mainly gives me something to do in maintaining what I have while I have it.
I did post some photos of a Constructo Pilot Boat, schooner rig, for which there was not identified scale. It was started back about 1970 and only taken up again five or six months ago. Here is a crude
View attachment 187390photo of it not in a case. I added a number of rigging falls, a couple of boats, one in a cradle and the other partially elevated for going over the side which this port view shows, This was before it was finished and put under the acrylic case.
View attachment 187391
As you can see it was in progress at the time.