I was a little bit worried about the bow area, it seems Vince had some problems and he was warning others about it,
so I thought I had better check mine out to see if I was going to have any strife,

so first of all this is the area of concern,

I copied and cut out the figure head and head rails and clamped it over the stem,

another view,

since I was making my own decorations, I was a little bit worried, this is my Starboard figure head clamped over
the plan on the stem, the area of concern was at the very bottom, the two lower rails with the little Cherub
between them,

I was a little worried as in the past a few years ago when I built the stern Galleries I has made a bit of a Boo Boo, I
had built the galleries just slightly taller than they should be, it will not make a difference to anything just the very
top area just above the top galleries, I might just lower the top roof a little, so I thought it best to check the bow
in case of any other mistakes,

so first of all i made a cardboard template,

Then I transferred it to a piece of wood thick enough to get two rails out of, shows the cut wood checking for fit,

When I was happy with the fit I sliced two pieces off for the two rails,

This is the four blanks waiting to be cut to shape,