Happy Birthday, Ondras!!
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Two great modelsThank you very much to everyone for the kind words before the competition.
This time in the competition, the points were enough for the silver medal. When I compare my boat with La Renomee by the Czech modeler Pavel Brablc, I have to agree.Hats off to his extensive hand embellishment and detailing. Well 22 years of work...
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I have to say that the visitors liked the ship..
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Here is a link to photos from the contest. https://www.olesnica24.com/galeria/...ukcyjnych-statkow-i-okretow-klas-c-w-olesnicy
Two great models
I can not say too much about the La Renommee, but looking also very good - I know your model via the log very good, so I can not imagine the difference - often it is a question of personal taste.
BTW: On the link we can find also other interesting model - f.e. also another Renommee (I think) as an open POF....
Good to see, that you have already young people interested in ship modeling - we need them to keep the interest in our hobby high.
BTW: The young lady is looking very much like my own daughter some 5 years ago - including the preference for pink and leggings
Hello Uwe, that should be Petr Simek's La Renommee.
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