Well things are still a bit disconnected and I am still unable to work on the main deck until I have finished painting the outside of the hull and waited until it is safe to handle. For the hull I am using I am using western approaches white paint made by an Italian company and sold under the name of '
Lifecolor '. It is a water thinable acrylic and although easy to use it has a very slow 'tail' to it's drying characteristics, although dust free in about half an hour you can still mark it the next day and this has slowed things up a bit. But I am nearly there now.
While waiting I set about trying to make something of the funnel and Caldercraft's equivalent of a bisected toilet roll centre the two halves formed from vacuum shaped styrene. Having cut them out and glued them together I threw them in the bin. Then using their dimensions I made a wooden former and 'plated' it with thin sheets of styrene adding some fake rivets and bands. The next question was just how dirty did a white painted funnel get on a coal burning steam ship? Very I think and contemporary photographs show that. So I had a go at ageing mine, not sure I am happy yet but will wait until I finish the boiler room section before I decide.
As well as the funnel I have been making some other parts to be added when I get working on the hull again. The highlight I suppose was the replacement of the ships flag locker. Caldercraft produced something that looked like a mini waffle maker out of white metal, so I replaced it with one I made from half millimetre pear, yet to paint it though.
Also made a few other bits and pieces, as you see they are gathering up. Lets hope the hull dries and I can get back to fitting them.
Cheers JJ..
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