Re: OcCre Santisima Trinidad Build Log
I have got the Ring Bolts done for Port and Starboard Bulwarks. I found a quicker way of doing the Ring Bolts per the Admiral. I need to post the step process for every body. I have no excuse. I need to do this so that anybody needs Ring Bolts, they can follow what I did if they want to. If you stay tuned, I will try to post the process. The image below just shows how I leave enough length of the Ring Bolt to push threw the Bulwark. Only for manageability purposes. This way I can grab the Ring Bolt shafts using a pair of needle nose pliers without getting my fingers on the Bolts.
I got frustrated because I could not find any black wire (well I could, but it was glossy). So, as lazy as I am, I chose the opposite and made my own - painted with gray primer, then "enamel" flat black (both of which are Model Master Paint).
On the other side, I will use a pair of pliers to "pull" the shafts threw and bend the wire up against the other side of the Bulwark. I put of drop of CA glue on the shaft side of the Bulwark. Clip the remaining wire and used a Diamond needle file to file down the rough spur. Well, actually I lied just a tad - I will say that I used a dremel tool with emery attachment (shame on me - I know) first, then I used the Diamond needle file to finish off the spur. If you do not have any Diamond Coated Needle files then you are missing out. These are not like any other files I have used. They have a "cutting" effect to wood / metal / brass that will take the material off quickly. I suggest highly to get them. They are not expensive as mine were bought from Model Expo
As always, I hope this post is helpful to some.