This craft is to paint the platform of the jib boom and install the dead eye.
Paint the platform in German gray.
Wrap 0.5 mm brass wire around a 4 mm diameter dead eye and dye it black.
Wrap that brass wire around a brass nail attached to the end of the jib boom and shape it. It was fiddly because the thing is so small.
Can you see the dead eye and brass wire from the left and right?
This is the location of the deadeye as seen from above.
You can tell which is the deadeye.
The dead eye brass wire is fixed in this position.
■ Making a yard ■
Glue four 4mm square rods together and insert 1mm brass wire inside.
Shave each corner of the four 4mm square bars so that the brass wire can fit inside.
Glue A and B, then C and D.
Prepare 1 mm brass wire to be placed inside.
Glued with 1mm brass wire inside.
Four 4mm square bars are glued together with brass wire so that an 8mm square bar can be made.
An 8mm square bar is placed on a special jig and the corners are planed to form an octagonal shape.
Notice the arrows.
They are roughly octagonal.
From A to B, and from C to D, the octagonal shape is left as it is, and it is thinned by planing.
A is a sling cleat.
The center portion of the yard has an octagonal cross section and a round cross section up to the cleat portion of the yard.
The cleat portion of the yard remains octagonal and the cross section from the cleat portion to the outer yard arm is round.
The shape of the yard is made at my own discretion and prejudice, so it has no material value.
You don't have to imitate it, but if you do, do so at your own risk.