USS BONHOMME RICHARD - POF - Cross Section in Cherry - 1:48 - by neptune,

To cut the section down to the size it is meant to be, I clamped a steel rule acroos the section and using a small
miniature hand saw I removed the excess from above the ruler, I then used sanding dics and files to finish shaping
the curved parts, see pic below,

Test fittingt the carved piece for fit,

and the opposite side,

and how it will look with the extra piece, these still have to be sanded yet,

I also made a slight mistake when attaching the timber that supports the beams on the top deck, I was a couple
of millimeters out at one end and only picked it up when I was doing the final shaping of the bulwarks, the
easiest way to deal with was to clamp a steel ruler along the timber, then with a very sharp knife score along
and down the back of the timber, then very carefully remove the excess wood with a miniature Excell chisel,

and a view of how each side will look with the decorative piece and a capping rail in place,

Thank you Carlosys, for the very nice comment, as Uwe said it would be really nice to see your build as well,

best regards John,
He started already...... take a look here:
He started already...... take a look here:

Thank you for the Info Uwe,

best regards John,
A few fittings to make and install before going up to the next deck, I've
cut out the notches for the cross timber and partly shaped the two top

The cross timber glued in place and the tops shaped,

milling out the slots for the sheaves,

and the finished fitting with the sheaves in place, the sheaves you have to supply yourself,

The two knights heads, one for each cross section, the plans show four slots but with the size sheaves that I have
only three will fit so I used builders license and milled three slots in each,

and with the sheaves sitting in one part,

the two sets of steps after gluing together,

and after having had the tops sanded, these will still have to be cut to size to fit on the model, I will probably have
to take some timber from the bottom of each, most probably up to the first step.

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Super clever railing details - I need to learn that - well done indeed.

PS: Horrific news down under -so sad - We know "fires" --- BUT nothing to the extent that many are dealing with now in your part of the world.

Thank you for the nice comments, and thank you for your concern about the fire's, it has been a very hot summer so far and we still have a while to go,

Best regards John,
Finishing off the pumps using the micro tape to simulate the metal bands, I also have attached the
pump spigots, outlets, I should have drilled and fixed these before attaching the pumps into the section,
therefore I have had to put them on an angle because I couldn't get the drill in squarely,

also with the bands around the pumps it is best to attach them before installing the pumps, they were a b--ger to do,

Thats the sheaves fitted to the double bitts,

and also to the knights heads,

The knights head in place,

a close up,

and in this pic you can see the copper pin that goes through the knights head attaching it to the beam behind it,
there is also another pin in the base of the knights head that goes into the deck,

next up was to install the companion way steps, these I had to trim down a little to fit just below the deck line,
I took some wood off the bottom of each side,

after the steps were installed I attached the trim around the top of the companion way, one thing I was wondering
was how did they tie off the ropes that were run through the knights head, on my Fredreich Whilhelm Zu Perde
there was a cleat attached to the side of the knights head, see next pic,

The cleat on the side of the FWZP knights head, on looking at this pic I think I should have had the cleat in the
up down position instead of the side ways position,

and a close up,

and several views after the deck and the fittings have been given one coat of varnish, its still wet so it is
looking a bit glossy, don't forget any questions just ask, I apologize for some of the multiple shots of
the same fittings etc, but I always found that they came in handy when I was building anything, so if you
want more pics again from a different angle just ask,






