USS Constitution - very old Mamoli kit - by first time builder - build log

Learned a valuable lesson today. The instructions call for the metal gun ports to be installed before planking. I have been practicing bending planks. When I started to install the first plank it was above the gun ports. It was then I realized the gun ports were of different heights. If I had installed the first plank before the gun ports I could have gotten them all the same height. Now I will try to uninstall the gun ports without damaging the frames.
My last post needs to be explained. Blame it on my pain medication. I bought some Basswood that is a little thicker than the kit's planks. I am practicing bending planks. The instructions call for the metal gun ports to be installed before planking. I placed a practice plank where the first plank is supposed to go. I found that my gun ports were not installed properly. I have started removing the gun ports. When done I will temporarily install my practice plank and re-install the gun ports making sure they are in the proper alignment.
Bought a couple of jigs on amazon. I thought they were from ModelExpo, but I don't think so. The first jig was a chamfer tool and other was for dead eye mooring tool. Neither tool came with instructions.
Need advice. If you look at the drawings the metal gun ports are snug against the first and second planks, but if you look at my model only the stem gun ports are snug. There is no way to make the planks snug against the gun ports. I can fill in with planks but the alignment of the gun ports is way off. I don't know what to do. Need advice.20200114_133910.jpg20200114_133922.jpg20200114_133949.jpg20200114_153459_HDR.jpg
Hi John,

I would glue the aft two so the bottom is just flush with the first layer of planking. The first layer of planking is fitted around this. Then when sanding the hull you sand the gun ports flush with the planking the second layer of planking you can fit partly over them so you create a nice edge for fitting the gun port lids .
You need to check the heights of the gunport positions against the main drawing.On every Mamoli build I have seen,the positions of the slots in the bulkheads have been all over the place.Most builders have had to make adjustments to get the correct line to the ports.

Kind Regards

You need to check the heights of the gunport positions against the main drawing.On every Mamoli build I have seen,the positions of the slots in the bulkheads have been all over the place.Most builders have had to make adjustments to get the correct line to the ports.

Kind Regards

This what I have found. I am thinking that I will remove the gun ports again. Install the first two planks and then re-install the gun ports, creating new slots as appropriate to get the gun ports flush to the planking as shown in the drawings.
I'm following your build. Also just starting a Mamoli. Mine is the Victory. Seem to be finding some of the same problems as you. Even though this is my 8th build, it still gets extremely frustrating. Especially for what they charge for these kits. I find that you need to double, triple, and quadruple check EVERYTHING.!!!!

I'm going to try the Alert kit next. ( the one they've been discussing here on SOS). Then a scratch built..

Once again, for the quality and what they charge for these kits is ridiculous. I surely can't screw it up any more than they do.

Keep at it man.... it's always worth it in the end when you complete something that's neat and unique and can sit back and beam with pride.
I'm following your build. Also just starting a Mamoli. Mine is the Victory. Seem to be finding some of the same problems as you. Even though this is my 8th build, it still gets extremely frustrating. Especially for what they charge for these kits. I find that you need to double, triple, and quadruple check EVERYTHING.!!!!

I'm going to try the Alert kit next. ( the one they've been discussing here on SOS). Then a scratch built..

Once again, for the quality and what they charge for these kits is ridiculous. I surely can't screw it up any more than they do.

Keep at it man.... it's always worth it in the end when you complete something that's neat and unique and can sit back and beam with pride.
Thanks will do. It is frustrating. I want to get to the rigging, but getting past the low quality of this kit is getting to me. I'm 76 so I need to get it going.

One way to make things easier is to position the planks directly above and below the gunports following the natural sheer of the deck.You may have to either reduce the width of a plank or buy a few wider strips when planking between the gunports.The back of the gunports need to be vertical,do not take the front edges as gospel.Invariably you will find the top or bottom will stick out as Mamoli simplified the castings.

Another tip,when you have the two planks and ports in place.Glue vertical strips of scrap planking between the two planks from behind against the gunport.This supports the planking that meets the sides of the gunports where there is no bulkhead.

Kind Regards

I have measured from the keel on the drawing to the top of the first plank. According to the drawing the gun port should be snug against the plank. As you see there is enough space to put another plank or a plank and half. I am stumped. I can make it snug by moving the gun ports an average of 1/4 inch up. Should I ?
I have measured from the keel on the drawing to the top of the first plank. According to the drawing the gun port should be snug against the plank. As you see there is enough space to put another plank or a plank and half. I am stumped. I can make it snug by moving the gun ports an average of 1/4 inch up. Should I ?


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Hi John,

I should not do that, this as your lower deck gunport would then be at the height of tghe upper deck.
Maybe it is better to measure from the upper deck and take this as a reference.
Maybe there is also a false keel to be installed influencing your current measurement.
Hi John

I agree with Maarten.The deck needs to be your point of reference,On this ship it is highly unlikely that the decks will not be at equal heights to one another.You need to determine from the drawings the height of the deck down to the gunports.To be on the safe side,double check this is consistent along the length of the hull.This is not easy knowing Mamoli's drawings.Once you have worked this out,you can then simply establish how high the top of the castings need to be down in relation to the deck and position the plank above and below the gunport to suit.Where the planks fall in relation to the installed deck does not matter.Invariably when you plank upwards it is advisable to go just beyond the bulkhead "ears".This guarantees enough meat to trim the top of the planking to the correct height in relation to the deck.
Hope this makes sense

Hi John,

I should not do that, this as your lower deck gunport would then be at the height of tghe upper deck.
Maybe it is better to measure from the upper deck and take this as a reference.
Maybe there is also a false keel to be installed influencing your current measurement.
By the measurement from the keel it is 11mm, exactly where the slots are. The first plank is where the drawing shows it to be. If I leave everything as shown instead of the first plank being flush with the gun ports I will have to add another plank or a plank and a half to be flush. How will that affect the overall planking.