USS Constitution - very old Mamoli kit - by first time builder - build log

By the measurement from the keel it is 11mm, exactly where the slots are. The first plank is where the drawing shows it to be. If I leave everything as shown instead of the first plank being flush with the gun ports I will have to add another plank or a plank and a half to be flush. How will that affect the overall planking.
11 cm not mm
Made a tool to find the bottom of the gun port slots. I had drawn a reference line on the keel. The drawing has the bottom of the slot at the stern 9.4 and 9.3 cm (frames 17 and 18). Frame 16 at 9.2cm. Frame 15 at 9.1. Frame 14 at 9.0. Frames 7 through 13 at 8.9cm. Frames 5 and 6 at 9.0cm. Frame 4 at 9.1cm. Frames 2 and 3 at 9.2cm.20200117_202912.jpg
I had the same problem when I built the Santa Ana. The plans were wrong. When the gun carriages were built they didn't fit. I realize you are dealing with false guns, but the same principle. I actually had to measure each gunport from the deck and cut the holes from there. Remember, you also need to keep in mind rubbing strakes and gunwales will be added later. All these things need to flow together. Maybe average the distance and line them all up.
Have you thought about looking on You tube for others who have built your same model. That's where I started with Santa Ana. There were other builds and I just kind of compared my build with others. If it wouldn't of been for a guy in Athens, Greece don't know if I ever would of completed it.
I had the same problem when I built the Santa Ana. The plans were wrong. When the gun carriages were built they didn't fit. I realize you are dealing with false guns, but the same principle. I actually had to measure each gunport from the deck and cut the holes from there. Remember, you also need to keep in mind rubbing strakes and gunwales will be added later. All these things need to flow together. Maybe average the distance and line them all up.
Thank you.
just by looking at your photo I have the feeling, that the bulkhead marked with the red arrow is sitting too high, therefore also the gunport location looks wrong.
Please check it - now is the best time to correct if necessary
just by looking at your photo I have the feeling, that the bulkhead marked with the red arrow is sitting too high, therefore also the gunport location looks wrong.
Please check it - now is the best time to correct if necessary
View attachment 12984920200124_120240.jpg
I'm not sure? The frames meet the reference line. The gun ports are driving me crazy. If I remove them a third time I am going to damage the frames. I still think I should install the first two planks and installing the gun ports.
Also, one part of the drawing shows the first plank up against the false deck, but another part of the same plank going under the false deck.

Since this my first wooden ship should I remove the gun ports again and then install the first plank?
I'm not sure? The frames meet the reference line. The gun ports are driving me crazy. If I remove them a third time I am going to damage the frames. I still think I should install the first two planks and installing the gun ports.
Also, one part of the drawing shows the first plank up against the false deck, but another part of the same plank going under the false deck.

Since this my first wooden ship should I remove the gun ports again and then install the first plank?
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I am really getting frustrated with this model. I'll work it out some how.
just by looking at your photo I have the feeling, that the bulkhead marked with the red arrow is sitting too high, therefore also the gunport location looks wrong.
Please check it - now is the best time to correct if necessary
View attachment 129849
The frame you marked is number 12. I can not see that it is too high, but my vision is bad. It is same height as the frame 14.
I have removed all gun ports. The drawing has the slots at different measurements. I assume the gun ports (except 1 and 2; 17 and 18) are at the same height, but the drawing (from the reference line) are 8.9 to 9.1 mm. The first two and last two are at 9.2 mm.
I plan to install the first plank and then install the gun ports. There is a 1 to 2 mm difference between all the gun ports. Would I be wrong if I selected one measurement (9.1 mm) for all gun ports?20200124_215842.jpg
Hi John
I think you are placing too much emphasis on where the kit "sketches" show where the planks fall and overthinking things.This does not matter in the slightest to the finished model.
Your deck in the latest pictures has a smooth flowing sheer.I do not think the bulkhead is too high,I think the shape is wrong and will need scrap timber gluing to it's edge before fairing otherwise you will have a dip on the underside of the hull.
I have Mamoli's Royal Louis drawings and so far as accuracy is concerned regarding bulkheads,they are complete garbage.The drawings aren't even symmetrical so it is no surprise that have seen issues with many Mamoli builds on the net.What you are supplied with parts wise is something approximating what you should get.
You need to focus on achieving gunport placement to the main drawing,forget the existing port slots as a lot of these will be out and as you mention,the castings are not a consistent size.Also forget any sketches that show where planks are supposed to fall in relation to the stern galleries.I do not think even Mamoli drew these as gospel.
The simple way to look at it and the way I would do it,is you need one full planking below the port casting and one above.This distance between is the height of the casting.This should follow a natural arc that is parallel to the outer edge of your deck.Set these planks first,then slot in and glue the castings.Adjust any oversize castings with a file if they are too high to fit between.

Kind Regards

Hi John
I think you are placing too much emphasis on where the kit "sketches" show where the planks fall and overthinking things.This does not matter in the slightest to the finished model.
Your deck in the latest pictures has a smooth flowing sheer.I do not think the bulkhead is too high,I think the shape is wrong and will need scrap timber gluing to it's edge before fairing otherwise you will have a dip on the underside of the hull.
I have Mamoli's Royal Louis drawings and so far as accuracy is concerned regarding bulkheads,they are complete garbage.The drawings aren't even symmetrical so it is no surprise that have seen issues with many Mamoli builds on the net.What you are supplied with parts wise is something approximating what you should get.
You need to focus on achieving gunport placement to the main drawing,forget the existing port slots as a lot of these will be out and as you mention,the castings are not a consistent size.Also forget any sketches that show where planks are supposed to fall in relation to the stern galleries.I do not think even Mamoli drew these as gospel.
The simple way to look at it and the way I would do it,is you need one full planking below the port casting and one above.This distance between is the height of the casting.This should follow a natural arc that is parallel to the outer edge of your deck.Set these planks first,then slot in and glue the castings.Adjust any oversize castings with a file if they are too high to fit between.

Kind Regards

This is my first wooden ship build. I guess do over think each step. I feel the instructions and drawings should be accurate, but as you and other have said you can't take the instructions and drawings as 100 % correct. Since I am new, I tend to place too much emphasis on each step.
It will work out. I save responses for reference.
Thank you and others for your comments. They are very much appreciated.
John Burger
I can understand that John.You are right to expect that the drawings are correct,sadly though,reality is quite different with many kits.With experience,you create a checklist of the important dimensions and quite often have to create a happy medium that will work due to the fact that many kit manufacturers are quite crude when it comes to the drawings.
Whilst Euromodel Como used to be criticised for their somewhat dated kit design,their drawings are a revelation when it comes to Italian kit manufacturers.No doubt due to the fact they were all drawn by a qualified marine architect,sadly Mamoli were way behind.

Kind Regards
