Visitation for Loctite 403 just concluded, and I was pretty disappointed with the turnout. When personally invited even my daughters responded with a cold, "there's something wrong with you dad." And all my son cared about was whether there would be beverages served. Sigh...
Undeterred, I set my sights on bowlines. I've settled into a nice rhythm with rigging. With each new line I spend about an hour researching the various routing solutions presented in my resources and make some preliminary decisions. I may not get it perfect, but it won't be because I didn't try.
Here is a sample of my bowline work thus far. This is the main topsail...
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In this case I ended up using the proper knot (a bowline knot). From normal viewing distance no one can see it - but (as we like to say) I know it's there
There are ten sails on the Vasa and 8 of these get bowlines. Four down - four to go.
Thanks for stopping by!