Vasa - 1:65 DeAgostini [COMPLETED BUILD]

Not really much to report this time around. I've had only limited time to work on my ship - and the work I am doing is just not that interesting. Mostly I have been rigging blocks to my sails and yards:





Oh, I did make some specialty blocks for later in the rigging. I've been calling these sister blocks, but they might have another name. I'm embarrassed to share how long these took me...


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Not really much to report this time around. I've had only limited time to work on my ship - and the work I am doing is just not that interesting. Mostly I have been rigging blocks to my sails and yards:

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Oh, I did make some specialty blocks for later in the rigging. I've been calling these sister blocks, but they might have another name. I'm embarrassed to share how long these took me...

View attachment 320277

Thanks for stopping by!
Good morning Paul. You do fine work my friend! Your embarrassment is my perfection :DThumbsup. Some of the work on these ship is repetitive and boring (As you know) however when you hoist those sails and yards it is like....ExplosionExplosionBottleBottle. Cheers Grant
Not really much to report this time around. I've had only limited time to work on my ship - and the work I am doing is just not that interesting. Mostly I have been rigging blocks to my sails and yards:

View attachment 320273

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View attachment 320276

Oh, I did make some specialty blocks for later in the rigging. I've been calling these sister blocks, but they might have another name. I'm embarrassed to share how long these took me...

View attachment 320277

Thanks for stopping by!
Hi Paul, great work by you yet again. Question if you don't mind answering, what material did you use for the sails?
Hi Paul, great work by you yet again. Question if you don't mind answering, what material did you use for the sails?
I am using something call Navarra Fine Lawn from a store in England. You can read about it in these two logs that also provide a link to the product.

These are the first sails I have ever made so I have nothing intelligent to say about how good/appropriate this fabric is or how it compares to other options (silkspan for example). Fabric sails on small scale ships, IMHO, will always be out of scale - but that doesn't mean we shouldn't give it a go. Plus, my bride thought the ship would look better with sails - and I love her - so I'm trying.
Thank you for the likes everyone. Since I am fully rigging every sail on the ship I'll be at this for a while yet. And I also still need to research how things work at the bowsprit and the lateen sail (?) on the mizzen mast.
And I'm making rope again. It was fun for the first 500 meters... Aargh!!!!!!!
Tym razem niewiele do opisania. Miałem ograniczony czas na pracę na moim statku, a praca, którą wykonuję, nie jest aż tak interesująca. Przeważnie olinowałem bloki do moich żagli i rej:

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Och, zrobiłem kilka specjalnych bloków na później w takielunku. Nazywałem te siostrzane bloki, ale mogą mieć inną nazwę. Wstydzę się podzielić, jak długo mi to zajęło...

View attachment 320277

Dzięki, że wpadłeś!
Świetna praca wygląda rewelacyjnie. Piękny kolor lin. Jeśli sam robiłeś to z jakich nici i color
Pozdrawiam Mirek
Not really much to report this time around. I've had only limited time to work on my ship - and the work I am doing is just not that interesting. Mostly I have been rigging blocks to my sails and yards:

View attachment 320273

View attachment 320275

View attachment 320274

View attachment 320276

Oh, I did make some specialty blocks for later in the rigging. I've been calling these sister blocks, but they might have another name. I'm embarrassed to share how long these took me...

View attachment 320277

Thanks for stopping by!
Wow Paul! Your work is simply among the best of the best I've seen yet on this forum. I love your interpretation of your research which shows up in your scratch-built blocks and rope work, painting and planking. It is such a privilege to be viewing your work as it inspires me. I still enjoy rope making, there is something fascinating about it.
A great job looks great. Beautiful color of the ropes. If you did it yourself, with what threads and color
Regards Mirek
Thank you for visiting my build log Mirek. I love your work!

Most everything you see was made from Gutermann E121 color code 186. The standing rigging was then colored with bitumen of judea.
Wow Paul! Your work is simply among the best of the best I've seen yet on this forum. I love your interpretation of your research which shows up in your scratch-built blocks and rope work, painting and planking. It is such a privilege to be viewing your work as it inspires me. I still enjoy rope making, there is something fascinating about it.
I'm blushing. But let's not forget I closely watch your build report with equal admiration.
I am using something call Navarra Fine Lawn from a store in England. You can read about it in these two logs that also provide a link to the product.

These are the first sails I have ever made so I have nothing intelligent to say about how good/appropriate this fabric is or how it compares to other options (silkspan for example). Fabric sails on small scale ships, IMHO, will always be out of scale - but that doesn't mean we shouldn't give it a go. Plus, my bride thought the ship would look better with sails - and I love her - so I'm trying.
Thankyou for the reply. We have 'pure Cotton lawn' in NZ. Not quite as fine as Navarra NZD12.00 (USD7.49 +/-. Looking at your sails I'd venture to say your accomplishing more awesome work/results. BTW. always a good idea to do as the boss says. Regards & Cheers to you and yours.
Today we pause to remember a dear friend. Loctite 403 went to his eternal home today. I had grown to love him deeply because he is the only 'crazy glue' I have found that I am not allergic to (in truth, I react to this one too - but it's manageable). As a curiosity, I don't think I have ever emptied a bottle CA in my life - all the others ended up with irrevocably blocked tips or hardened in the bottle. Fair winds Loctite 403...


And I tried out a new way of adding blocks to lines today (in this case a topmast stay). I commend it to you as eminently doable (sorry for the out-of-focus image but you'll get the idea):


Happy modelling!
Today we pause to remember a dear friend. Loctite 403 went to his eternal home today. I had grown to love him deeply because he is the only 'crazy glue' I have found that I am not allergic to (in truth, I react to this one too - but it's manageable). As a curiosity, I don't think I have ever emptied a bottle CA in my life - all the others ended up with irrevocably blocked tips or hardened in the bottle. Fair winds Loctite 403...

View attachment 320519

And I tried out a new way of adding blocks to lines today (in this case a topmast stay). I commend it to you as eminently doable (sorry for the out-of-focus image but you'll get the idea):

View attachment 320518

Happy modelling!
Good morning Paul. You worry me...