As far as I have been able to determine the practice of gathering the sails to the top and the mast predates the Vasa. I will be gathering toward the center but not exclusively to the top/mast. The practice of gathering the sails equally to the yards postdates the Vasa so I will be avoiding that practice as well. Of course, the number of staples is greatly reduced the higher up we go.Good day Paul,
They looks nice and quite good in scale as well !
Unsertain What did You mean, when say .... installed on every yards?...
as far as I could understood, they need to be installed on the main yards ( F and M) only , but not on the topsails and topgallants sails...
There(topsails anf topgallant) are no more than a couple of them probably need to be fitted?
Here they are not requered so many as for the main sails..., due to these sails not store furled on the yard, but furled in vertical to the top / top mast....
I'm surprised by your objection as you are a big fan of Anderson who I am following precisely. I also have support from Harland (Seamanship in the Age of Sail). With all that said my research continues and I am able to shift my approach as new information becomes available. Thanks, Kirill, for your interest in my build.