File this update under:
Some Days are Better Than Others
I finally worked my way toward the rear of the ship pre-rigging blocks in preparation for installing yards to the masts. Mizzen mast! Finally! I carefully studied the museum rigging plans, reviewed several key build logs, made sure I understood Anderson. Got it.
I held my prepared yard for the lateen sail in place (that's the lower sail on the mizzen mast - it is installed at an angle running parallel with the long axis of the ship). Hmm. Hangs kinda far off the back of the ship. (For the record this yard has a sail installed on it complete with sewn panels, bolt rope attached, clews formed, cringles formed, robands, staples, rings, gaskets all lovingly installed.)
I pushed it forward. Nope, that won't work. I raised it higher. Nope, that won't work. I dropped it lower. Nope, that won't work.
I briefly considered using a profanity but held my ground. I quickly pulled up the build instructions from DeAgostini (full disclosure: I haven't used the actual instructions for over a year). Did I make this yard wrong? Checked their measurements against mine. Nope - pretty much perfect. I pulled out the sail provided with the kit (recall I made my own sails). Nope, their sail fits my yard perfectly.
Went to my laptop and pulled up the 1:10 museum photos (my ultimate go-to source for how to build this ship). No getting around it: MY YARD IS WAY TOO LONG. MY SAIL IS WAY TOO BIG. How much? About 25%. Not going to be able to hide that...
I gave in to a mild profanity...
I cleaned up my workspace. Covered my ship. Opened a really good Pinot (note: I'm not much of a drinker) and sat down to share my news with people who know my pain.
@rtibbs - please issue a redo coin...