Hello Fellow Shipbuilders,
Many thanks for all the 'likes' and thoughtful reviews of my recent work. I am humbled that you would take the time to visit my build log.
I had set aside my ship for a bit as I recovered from an Xacto knife injury and turned my attention to painting the seemingly endless supply of decorative metal bits. This endeavor is more than just painting - each of the pieces needs to have flash removed from the casting process, cleaned of grease and human detritus, mounted on a stick so I can hold the piece while I work on it, primed, painted, and sealed. I suppose it's just like painting a wall in your home - half the work is in the preparation...
This weekend I took a break from painting and tested the resiliency of my nearly healed wound (if you don't count the fact that I have lost all feeling in the tip of my index finger) and worked on a few small items left unfinished during my previous work (a model ship
punch-list of sorts).
First, as encouraged by Sasha (
@Alexander74), I added a few faux nails on the faux metal strapping next to my faux hinges on my faux doors.
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Sorry about the poor photo quality.
Next I added the pulley/sheave thing you see in this photo just below the waist headrail:
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What I needed to properly fabricate this box block was a shiny new yellow and green Proxxon mill (or at least a drill press) - but I haven't committed to this hobby to that degree quite yet so I made do with a hand drill, my fear-inducing Xacto, and a set of really nice needle files:
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I also added a strip of profiled yellow decorate trim to mark the terminus of the red clinker planked portion of the upper hull...
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And as you can see in the above image I chose to finally mount the galleries...
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These freakishly ornate galleries have only begun their journey toward ornate freakishness - there are lots of decorative bits to be added, but that will require returning to my painting project...
Anyway, nothing inspirational this posting - but such is the nature of progress. You are kind to stop by...