It's been several weeks since I posted a progress report. It's not that I haven't been busy - but what I've been working on is pretty ordinary and I didn't think you would be interested in a blow by blow storyboard.
Anyway, once the wales were successfully installed I added faux scarf joints along their run. This was actually harder to do well than cutting real scarf joints like I used on the hull planking. I would still do it the way I did it for the reasons I offered previously - I'm just making a passing observation.
Once the wales were oiled I then set about detailing the hull.
First, I completed treenailing the scarf joints (previously I had only completed the lower portion of the hull -
no point in treenailing under the wales or the galleries was my thinking back then...).
And for the past 10 days (as time allowed) I have been adding tiny nails to represent bolts in the following locations: four at each gun port for the cannon rigging, at the knees of the upper and lower gundecks, at the futtock riders (second riders?) in the region of the orlop deck, and then various bolts along the run of the wales. In total I installed around 1500 tiny nails (give or take a hundred).
But enough chit-chat...I submit the following for your critical review:
These macro images make me cringe - but it is what it is.
More detailing remains: fillers strips between the wales near the bow (I have only seen this on the Vasa but that may simply be a reflection of my naiveté), the mail/package port discussed previously, scuppers, and whatever else I come up with after reviewing more pictures from the Vasa museum.
Oh, I almost forgot the highlight of my week:
my grandson turned one
! He was born the week COVID was shutting down America in 2020...
Thanks for visiting!