I have used these pressed fiber parts before, those being 3mm triangular deadeyes. They are delicate and you have to be very precise in amount of glue applied and carefully place the parts together for them to work. You glue them together with slightly diluted PVA while they are still attached to the surrounding card. Make sure the card layers are aligned perfectly and the holes line up. Use too much glue and you have to open up the holes again with a 0.3mm drill bit in an Archimedes drill. The 2mm single and double blocks from Falkonet cost quite a bit more per piece, but are easier to work with on this micro scale. Both end up looking about the same in the end, which is SPECTACULAR! Even at 2mm, the blocks are oversized at this scale, and there is no practical solution for making them smaller.Gun Tackles (2)
Having established that the Corel instructions for rigging gun tackles is impractical (see above) I cast round for a source of smaller blocks. I sent off for the items shown in the following picture.
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They look ideal in the pictures on packet and the website. However: they are very tiny and come as three layers of card (five for the double blocks) which have to be stuck together. The internal slices are in two parts separated by a tiny space to receive the cord. Trying to assemble these without filling the gap with glue defeated me. I gave up!
Instead I created blocks from short lengths of 1.5 x 1.5 mm walnut with a single hole drilled through. (drill first then cut).
One of these I glued end on to the gunwale; another is glued side on to the gun carriage.
One end of the gun tackle rope is glued to the side of the gunwale block. It then passes through the carriage block and back through the gunwale block. Following the useful tip from "Darius Architectus" above I did not attempt to flake down the free end but simply stuck it to the deck. I then covered the end with flakes prepared 'off-line'
The first picture below shows the jigs used for winding the flakes between two layers of perspex. The thread can be either wiped with PVA glue or a blob may be placed between the plates near the pin. PVA does not stick to perspex so the sheets can be separated when the glue has dried. The winding process is visible through the perspex.
The second picture below shows the results. The camera is not very kind; to the naked eye it is not so obvious that the blocks are square, not round.
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Comparison of one of these guns with a penny. They are quite small.
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