Willem Barentsz by Kolderstok AD 1596

Whoaaa!!! I misunderstood. You are talking about the top wale - I did the wale immediately before laying the next plank.

I think I've got the routine down. Soak the plank, bend, pin and clamp, to form the plank. Then wet the plank, glue, pin and clamp. :)rolleyes:Sit and watch the glue dry:rolleyes:)

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Good morning Jan. This is looking good. After reading yours and Heinrich logs Dutch ships are permanently off my agenda. These are seriously technical and difficult models to build- there would not be enough swear jars in my house :oops:. Well done Jan. Cheers Grant
Good morning Jan. This is looking good. After reading yours and Heinrich logs Dutch ships are permanently off my agenda. These are seriously technical and difficult models to build- there would not be enough swear jars in my house :oops:. Well done Jan. Cheers Grant
That they are, but oh so satisfying when done right! :D
@Heinrich. Just to ease your mind the wale correction isn't much of a problem.

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Adding the third wale to the outside of the second 4mm plank.

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The plank removed, cleaned of glue and ready to be placed on the first 4mm plank. My thanks to Heinrich for pointing out the planking error in his build notes.
Good evening Jan. Starting to look like a ship. I love it when planking progresses. Really looking good your WB is. Cheers Grant.
Good evening Jan. Starting to look like a ship. I love it when planking progresses. Really looking good your WB is. Cheers Grant.
Indeed, as I add planks upward the shape of the ship is appearing. I'm looking forward to seeing the same shape as Heinrich's WB #1 and now his WB #2. I don't think there is anyway one can hurry this build. I had time this morning to run several errands while waiting for the glue to set on the 3rd wale.:D:D
Excellent excellent excellent, WOW! How many 6mm planks below the lower wales have you now glued Jan?
You must please post a pic of that Jan. I would just like to see what line the planking follows. I may have a tip for you, but I need to see how the planks run first. The best pic is actually one taken with the model upside down.
You must please post a pic of that Jan. I would just like to see what line the planking follows. I may have a tip for you, but I need to see how the planks run first. The best pic is actually one taken with the model upside down.

I need to redo the fifth plank. I miscalculated it's length. :rolleyes:
Thank you Jan. This is exactly how I planked WB #1, - and is exactly as per the instruction manual and my description.


This half-moon shape (which is exactly like mine was on WB #1) will cause you a lot of head scratching later on to close the hull - believe me, I know. Piet being the genius that he is, has come up with a solution whereby we can greatly reduce that curve and make it much straighter. Unfortunately, you did this before I got to offer you the amended advice. If I may make a suggestion and you are willing to wait a day or so for me before you continue, I can share my experience with you in practice. It entails the use of an insert much earlier and tapering the plank at both ends, but I first want to cut a plank like that and see how it works in practice.
Thank you Jan. This is exactly how I planked WB #1, - and is exactly as per the instruction manual and my description.


View attachment 320408
This half-moon shape (which is exactly like mine was on WB #1) will cause you a lot of head scratching later on to close the hull - believe me, I know. Piet being the genius that he is, has come up with a solution whereby we can greatly reduce that curve and make it much straighter. Unfortunately, you did this before I got to offer you the amended advice. If I may make a suggestion and you are willing to wait a day or so for me before you continue, I can share my experience with you in practice. It entails the use of an insert much earlier and tapering the plank at both ends, but I first want to cut a plank like that and see how it works in practice.
OK. I'll hold off.
Jan, You have such good momentum that I do not want to keep you up.


I am not sure how many planks it takes to close the stern, but as Piet has done, I have started my planking below the wales with an insert that ran from the third last bulkhead (Bulkhead #8) all the way to the stern. That was followed by a normal strake - tapered to 3mm at the bow and untapered at the back. The next strake I lay will be tapered to 2mm at the bow AND 2mm at the stern. Once I have done that, I will calculate how the rest of the planks go, but that will already have the effect of straightening that half-moon shape considerably. You can already see how much straighter this line is on the picture by starting off with the insert.

However, I want to repeat: On WB #1 I planked it exactly as you have done up to this point, so it is doable. The choice is yours.