, just this morning I wrote that, unless I have something to share, I wouldn't post my progress on the frames.
And now, not even a day has passed and I think I'm in trouble, in really deep trouble. 15 Frames have been bonded, beveled, filed, sanded and fit checked. When I started to check a little more carefully I found a lot amiss... I tried to perform the beveling as well as I could, but when checking the curvature of the hull I found that I still need a lot beveling in order for the frames to line up. Although I checked the frames against the drawings; in general the are reasonably well within specs, the fit in the jig is not really optimal and that's an euphemism; frame 4 for instance does not sit in line with the adjacent frames, so it's not possible to draw a nice imaginary smooth curve through the bottom of the frames.
I also tried to fit the frames to the keel, while keeping the frames in the jig as well. Here I found that when the frames meet with the keel, various frames started to slightly move in the jig, in the vertical axis.
The root course, I think, is my lack of experience with building a POF model, plus I'm a rather theoretically versed, rather than artisanal.
So I welcome any advice on how to proceed; start anew (ordering a new set of frames), continue as is and perform the final beveling at the appropriate the assembly step, or check frame by frame, correct the beveling where necessary and continue with the following frames... What is wisdom?
Port side frame misalignment, especially frame 13. The bevel of frame 12 is also too shallow.
View attachment 281825
Starboard side frame misalignment, especially frame 13. The bevel of frame 12 is also too shallow
View attachment 281826
Very poor partial cathedral view, showing numerous inaccuracies.
View attachment 281827
Side view, not too bad...
View attachment 281828