YQ Bluenose by Johan [COMPLETED BUILD]

I tried to get my hands on the glue Peter used on his BN, but I couldn't find it, unfortunately.
Currently contemplating a slightly different approach, but that's an option I have to try out on the actual model. Now I'm anxious...
Hi Johan. It will take some experiments, but the Bingo will come!
Ps: Send you a link.
Regards, Peter
After running some tests on the best way to secure ballast in the keel with various adhesives, I took some time contemplating how to proceed. The tests were rather inconclusive, in the sense that none of the options appeared to jump out as the preferred method.
While I started off with Peter's (@Peter Voogt) approach of having ballast in between the frames and using an adhesive to secure the ballast, which I tried and tested, I am now considering Piero's (@The Sailor ) method, or a derivative thereof.
That means I intend to fill the area beneath the fishdeck with ballast material and shake out any ballast to fall through the gaps between the frames. After that, I will apply an adhesive and currently I have a preference for the Zhanlida B-7000. It's not as thin as the Noch ballast bed adhesive, so my expectation is that it will flow, but nothing like the Noch adhesive, which basically behaves like water.
Prior to that I am now applying a first finish, in order to prevent adhesive ingress into the wood of the hull structure. I have chosen, after going through quite a few build logs on SOS, looking for the best way to finish a model, for a semi-opaque stain.
It's Rambo interior stain, cherry-colored and getting darker with every layer applied.
To my inexperienced eyes it gives a beautiful rich finish.


I plan to apply a varnish as the final layer, but that needs to be tested first.
I also ran a test on the adhesion between bonded, stained parts. The connection was a lot stronger than I suspected, but I intend to slightly sand relevant surfaces prior to bonding.
Currently I'm slowly staining the frames, keel, etc, prior to applying ballast.

Approximately two-thirds complete:
Outside view.
Inside view.
I left the fishdeck beams out in the areas I want to apply ballast.
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After running some tests on the best way to secure ballast in the keel with various adhesives, I took some time contemplating how to proceed. The tests were rather inconclusive, in the sense that none of the options appeared to jump out as the preferred method.
While I started off with Peter's (@Peter Voogt) approach of having ballast in between the frames and using an adhesive to secure the ballast, which I tried and tested, I am now considering Piero's (@The Sailor ) method, or a derivative thereof.
That means I intend to fill the area beneath the fishdeck with ballast material and shake out any ballast to fall through the gaps between the frames. After that, I will apply an adhesive and currently I have a preference for the Zhanlida B-7000. It's not as thin as the Noch ballast bed adhesive, so my expectation is that it will flow, but nothing like the Noch adhesive, which basically behaves like water.
Prior to that I am now applying a first finish, in order to prevent adhesive ingress into the wood of the hull structure. I have chosen, after going through quite a few build logs on SOS, looking for the best way to finish a model, for a semi-opaque stain.
It's Rambo interior stain, cherry-colored and getting darker with every layer applied.
To my inexperienced eyes it gives a beautiful rich finish.

View attachment 302504

I plan to apply a varnish as the final layer, but that needs to be tested first.
I also ran a test on the adhesion between bonded, stained parts. The connection was a lot stronger than I suspected, but I intend to slightly sand relevant surfaces prior to bonding.
Currently I'm slowly staining the frames, keel, etc, prior to applying ballast.

Approximately two-thirds complete:
Outside view.
View attachment 302505
Inside view.
I left the fishdeck beams out in the areas I want to apply ballast.
View attachment 302657
Hi Johan. It gives your BN a nice warm color! Hope to see the ballast soon.
Regards, Peter
Again off-topic; this morning I spend some fun time with two former colleagues in the Dutch National Museum of Transport.
I took one picture only, of a Dutch fluyt. I had no time for more pictures, too much to talk about...

True! However if cannons were an option, then AL can be applied on a Fluyt build. This is most intriguing to me, since I am considering building this ship! ;)
Apologies Johan for answering Dean here.

There were three types of Fluyt ships: the wood carriers, the whalers and the trade ships. All trade ships were fitted with a galleon and cannons. The idea that Hans initially had was to offer the buyer a choice between the three versions, but I have no idea how far this idea was developed.
Apologies Johan for answering Dean here.

There were three types of Fluyt ships: the wood carriers, the whalers and the trade ships. All trade ships were fitted with a galleon and cannons. The idea that Hans initially had was to offer the buyer a choice between the three versions, but I have no idea how far this idea was developed.
Thanks for sharing your knowledge here, apologies not needed.