ZHL Black Pearl 2020 Golden Edition [COMPLETED BUILD]

Dear Tony. You have completed a magnificent-looking Black Pearl - in fact it is one of the nicest - if not THE nicest - finished BP's I have seen. You can be very pleased with what you have achieved and your pictures show her off beautifully! Chapeau!
Dear Tony. You have completed a magnificent-looking Black Pearl - in fact it is one of the nicest - if not THE nicest - finished BP's I have seen. You can be very pleased with what you have achieved and your pictures show her off beautifully! Chapeau!
Thank you very much that is a big complement from someone with your experience. I just happy it's finished and I've learnt a bit along the way.
Dear Tony What a build one of the best I have seen will have to do better with my Victory took your advice and this time will have a build log one thing I did do was put all the photos I took and put them on a small video thanks again for all the help with my B.P.
Dear Tony What a build one of the best I have seen will have to do better with my Victory took your advice and this time will have a build log one thing I did do was put all the photos I took and put them on a small video thanks again for all the help with my B.P.
Thanks I'm glad I could help, looking forward to seeing your new log on the Victory.
Hey Tony I have really enjoyed following your build. The ship looks fantastic! I love the lighting and what a professional job you did. Looking forward to your next build!
With the bulwarks in place and the decking finished I still had to install the gun supports on the bulwarks before I start the planking. This will be the third ship I have done although the last one was about 25 years ago.

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These are the first planks installed I found the wood provided was very easy to work with although it's length was shorter than the hull witch ment it needed joining. An old thermos flask was used to soak the strips in hot water then clamped to anything I could find that was the right diameter. After a few hours they were ready to use.

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This is a simple tool I made to help taper the planks. They are clamped in place while being cut, trying to use a rule didn't work for me.
I found it was difficult to get a nice run with the planks. Lots of stealer planks where needed. I tried measuring the bulkheads to work out the taper but the planks would not lay flat or straight on the forward part. The problem seemed to be the big change in profile on the first three bulkheads. In the end I went with a pattern where the planks lay flat on the bulkhead without twisting, maybe if the planks where a lot shorter it would have helped.

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Planking completed the planks where installed from the top and bottom meeting in the middle. The strips are laser cut and have black edges which look like gaps

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Sanding filling and more sanding first Planking completed.
What pins did you use to hold the hull planking?
I'm pretty sure the kit provided small pins if not I would of had some left over from a previous build. I only knock the pins in far enough to hold the plank in place and remove them when the glue has set. I never use pins for the second planking because I don't like the look but that's a personal choice.
Beautiful work! Great pics! I keep coming back to see what I need to do on mine. The Pearl is my second build. I don't think I'll ever build as good as your Pearl if I built 20 models! Again, your attention to detail is out of this world as is your workmanship. Great inspiration for me. Thank you.