I don't know. They look fine, it's hard to keep the ratlines straight. I'm doing them right now with a template pinned behind and some seem to tail off. Is what it is.
As for the deadeyes. The lower ones were easy and I was able to use a full spacer for them and the lowers came out more even. For the upper deadeyes, I did one and then tried to keep the others equal to the first. That didn't work too well, but close enough. Mine appear about the same as yours. Some good, some a bit too high or low. Eh....
I was surprised there wasn't the inclusion of sails or at least an after market kit for sails. I'm not sure if full sails would look good on the model, I think they would just look fake. However....folded sails would look great! I've seen a couple of logs were builders created mini versions of the sails that are rolled up and secured to the various yards, booms and stays. Perhaps the next model!!!
Keep plugging away. I thing this part of the build is the last of the tedious tasks. Once you finish the ratlines and shrouds, the rest of the rigging and yard installations should be fun. Hard for sure, but fun!